Part 5

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You cleared your throat before you spoke, "Yes, I thought about what you had said earlier..." You stepped closer to him as he sat on the couch. "May I sit?"

He nodded in approval. You chose to sit in the chair that was parallel to him. He bit his lower lip in anticipation and impatience as he leaned in closer towards you. "Can you just promise me beforehand that you'll hear me out..." you began to trail off with anxiety stricken eyes. Again, he nodded, "Alright doll, I'll listen, you have my word."

"I'll be your wife." you blurted out. He was delightfully shocked at your answer, "but, under one condition..." He smirked, "Are you trying to make a de-" you stopped him "You promised to hear me out, Negan!" you sharply stated. He raised an eyebrow at you and put his hands up in apology. You sat up straight in the chair, "but, I want to be able to go out on runs and pickups." Again he interrupted you with a stark "Fuck no!", you glared at him and he returned to silence. Shocked with his cooperation with you, you continued, "So, it's like both options put together. I think we will both find it to be beneficial. You saw me fight, you know what I can do, Negan. You need me out there." you pleaded with him. You weren't exactly the one to plead with someone, especially in this world, but you found yourself pleading with Negan. He looked at you, not saying anything. You calmed yourself down and got your emotions under control.

The two of you sat there in silence for a couple of minutes. Negan finally speaking his mind "Why in the hell do you want to be a wife then. If you want to be out there and fight for me, then why didn't you just chose to be a savior?" he looked deep into your eyes.

"I...I don't know." you hesitated "Um, I guess it's just the thought of actually being with someone again. This world took someone from me, and now I feel like it's trying to give him back in a way." you said exposing your vulnerable side to him. He noticed that you were beginning to get upset, thinking about who you had lost. "You actually remind me of him." you laughed as a tear rolled down your cheek.

"Tell me." he said simply, allowing his walls come down slightly.

You looked into his eyes and you felt a sense of calmness come over you, he got off the couch just enough to grab your hands to guide you to sit with him. Simon was right, Negan really did like you. He was being so caring and gentle with you, holding your knee as he looked at you, waiting for you to continue talking. "Long story short, It was me and my boyfriend, who I was with since this started. Our group got separated by a herd of walkers. We got trapped and he pushed me out of the way, he ended up bitten by one of them. He hid it from me until his infection was really bad, too bad. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't kill him and I sure as hell wasn't going to leave him there!" you took a deep breath as he gently squeezed your hand, "He left me alone the same night he told me that he was bitten. I waited for him to come back like he was fine, like everything would be normal again. After a couple of weeks on my own, looking for him." a couple of tears escaped from your eyes, Negan without skipping a beat reached to your cheeks wiping your tears, "until I finally saw him, turned. I had to, I put him down." you finished your story, looking into his eyes as you were completely open and vulnerable for the first time in this new world.

Negan consoled you by squeezing your knee with one hand and with the other, he reached around your body to grab your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. "And you remind me of him, so much. This place that you have created, I want to contribute, but as a wife I can't do that. And as a savior, I can't be around you without thinking about him. And how much I like you..." your eyes widened when you realized what you just said.

"Look, Y/N, you don't have to be a wife if you don't want to be. Well of course, I would be fucking thrilled to have a beautiful women like you on my arm. And those Y/E/C eyes are gorgeous, I could stare into them all day. But, if that's not what you want, I understand. I don't force women into something they don't want to do." he told you.

"But I want to be with you, but I need to be out there! This is the way things are now, I've adapted, this world is me, and I am this world. I can't sit in a room all day pretending that this isn't real, like thisnever happened!" you said in one breath, you were starting to get angry. He remained silent, you could tell that he was thinking...

You calmed down, nodding as you set your hand on top of his. The silence grew between you again, as you sat there with each other. Negan spoke quietly, "Okay." You looked at him in confusion. He hushed you, "You can be a wife, and go out on runs and pick ups, only when I'm with you. No exceptions." You smiled, not believing that he was agreeing with you. He smiled back at you, as you're eyes met. You could cut the tension between the two of you with a knife. He lifted a hand to your chin, pulling you closer into a kiss. A knock on the door interrupted the two of you, Simon's voice came shortly after. " Boss, we have a small problem." Frustrated Negan signed as he released you and got up to see what this was about.

You watched as he grabbed Lucille and opened the door, Simon's eyes looking into yours, Negan's voice boomed as it startled Simon back to attention, "Simon! What, you so rudely interrupted me and dear Y/N." Negan motioned to you, Simon looking at you again, noticing that you were emotional but you offered him a half smile while pushing your stray Y/H/C behind your ear. Simon nodded his head, looking back at Negan, "Oh, yeah, I just came up here because uh, well, we lost a few of the dead chained to the fence. We think it was some kids just trying to cause trouble. But uh, I'll deal with it. I'll uh let you get back to that. Sorry to disrupt boss." Negan thanked him, and closed the door.

He turned back to you, you stood up, straightened out your shirt. "So, what now? I'm a wife, and savior?" you asked uncertainty heavy in your voice. Negan glared at you as he brushed his hand through his hair, "Yeah, uh, I'll make sure they get a room is ready for you by this evening. We can go on a run and see what we can round up for you for some new clothes, and we can discuss this more. Like guidelines, rules sort of. Okay, doll?" You smiled and nodded as you headed toward the door. He grabbed your arm, spinning you around as he placed a gentle, passionate kiss to your lips.

At first your eyes widened in surprise then you melted into him. Your hands traveled to his neck as he deepened the kiss. His hands began to wander, exploring his new wife's body. His hands began pulling at the waistband of your jeans, you pulled away abruptly. He looked at you concerned, you could tell that he was going to start apologizing to you, thinking he overstepped a boundary. You looked at him, "Later, Negan." you stepped backward, "I should go get ready for our run, see if anyone needs anything." offering him a smile. You turned around walking toward the door, you could feel his eyes burning into you. You stopped and swiftly walked to him, grabbing him and pulling him down into another kiss, you kept it short and sweet, letting him know that he didn't upset you or make you uncomfortable. You separated once again. You rested your hand on his chest as he kissed your forehead, "I really do need to get ready now" you laughed. He nodded and opened the door for you.

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