embarrased by Avengers

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The class followed Steve down the hallway as the rest of the Avengers fall in the back of the group

A familiar figure dropped down from somewhere above that I didn't see knowing him probably a ventilation shaft.  He smiled and proceeded to ask in a baby voice really loudly,  "oh did po baby petie forget to wash his loundry? "

I was confused until I saw a big pile of laundry dumped on top me. My laundry.  All on the floor of the hallway being stared at by my classmates.

My captain American underwear was painfully at the top of the pile. I could feel my face getting redder by the second.

Clint laughed at my embarrassment and then used one of his arrows like a grappling hook and retreated into the ventilation shaft.

Steve looked back at me sympathetically and shrugged.

Seething with anger and drowning in embarrassment I walked ahead determined to avoid the muffled snickers of the other students.

Finally we stopped at a lab.  It was not the one I usually worked at since I usually used the high tech one on the top floor that Tony uses so it was hard to find anybody I recognized. I did recognize two people

Shuri and Bruce Banner were having an animated discussion in a corner of the room.

Motioning to Mr.  Stark he causally walked over to me "what is Shuri doing here?! "  I whispered

"Oh, T'challa is visiting the country to talk about international relations between Wakanda and the rest of the world"


"Shuri couldn't miss out on seeing her favorite American. "

No this is the worst time to see her. Yes we are good friends as I had met her last year when the Avengers took a trip to Wakanda but somehow I doubt she would have forgotten we were in the middle of a prank war. Trust me I've learned from experience the Avengers,  the guardians and Shuri are the last people you want involved in a prank war.  It is serious.

She slowly looked up from her conversation and noticed me.  Her eyes widen in delight and she yells,  "peter" Before running towards me at full speed and crushing me into a bear hug.

"Peter, I got you a present" She then whistles really loudly a small robot that comes about to her waist comes out

"No way!!!  It's BB-8"

"You said it would be cool if you could really make one"

"It's beautiful"

BB-8 came towards me and started to repeatedly ram into my leg.  He became increasingly more and more forceful until each time he ran into me was like a hard punch in my leg.

Then came the laser,  it came out of the side of his head and aimed itself at me.  I was barely able to sidestep the blast and only because of my spider sense. A hole was left in the wall behind me as luckily no one was standing behind me.

Sadly with one strategic punch I decapitated the droid. You could still see the wires inside of it flickering as it slowly died.

Shuri was just standing there bursting with laughter,  "you shouldve seen the look on your face"

Mr.  Stark smiled and took the opportunity,  "F.R.I.D.A.Y rewind the video of Peter and freeze on peters face. "

"Yes sir"

Projected for the whole class to see was a close up of my face scrunched up in surprise.  The whole class burst out laughing even Ned and MJ even though I glared at them when they did so.

Once again Clint came down from the ventilation shaft and landed in front of me this time holding out a plate of sugar cookies,  "O does little baby petite want a cookie?

I grabbed a cookie and leaned into his ear "I will get you back for this"

He just smiled cocking and grapple back into the ventilation shaft as if nothing had happened. I ate my cookie as we continued the tour.  What could make today worse?

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