Hither doth we lie,
Head to head,
Faces nigh but distant,
A scratchy vinyl of times past,
Harmonious as it meanders,
Through the hush'd hallsSky to eye and eye to sky,
A glimpse
A gander
A sight to see
To hearpitter pitter patter patter
To and fro,
Our eyes doth flit
A drop here
A drizzle thereThe windowpane fogs
Our unified breath,
A fire that ignites the frigid air,
To view
To witness the clouds' despair
A humectant world
Moisten'd by the sky's grief
For it too has a love long lost
And thusly it weepsWe are but a witness to its solidarity,
Until the Sun assuages its pain
And brings it joy once againpitter pitter patter patter
Technicolor Dreams
PoetryA bunch of poems I wrote, varying from romance to random things