When We First Met

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"OLIVER, DINNER IS READY", i panic to close the window i had open on my laptop, knowing my little sister, Maisy, will come into my room on her way down stairs. i wasn't looking at anything wrong, i just like my thoughts and google searches kept private. we walk down stairs together and Maisy runs over to our baby brother Theo, who is sitting in his high-chair while mum is serving up dinner.

Its a friday night, and was the last day to the first week back at school. I'm in year 11 and Maisy is in year 8 so we go to the same high school.

"how was your days?" my mother asks, cheerful as always. i don't know how she manages as a single mum, i honestly respect the strength she has. "Today we got our results back for the test we did on the human skeleton on monday and Olivia (Maisy's best friend) wrote scrotum instead of sternum and the teacher showed everybody, she was embarrassed but it was so funny" this cracks me up, Maisy and Olivia are two of the funniest 13 year olds I've ever met. "I still cant believe your teacher gave you a test your first day of school!" back when i did year 8, i hardly had any homework let alone having to study for tests and assignments, the perks of Melbourne private schooling i guess.

"I'm going out with the batch tonight" my mum calls us the batch because were "as sweet as a batch of cookies" its so lame but it makes her happy, if only she knew.... "sounds great ollie, what are you getting up to?" i explain that were going to watch the new harry potter film 'Crimes of Grindelwald' and then going to our usual night cafe 'Witching Hour' which we usually hang out in until all hours of the morning. "How lovely, speaking of the batch, is Kenzie and Ashton dating yet?" Thank god i had finished my dinner by the end of that question as i say i gotta run and give my mum a kiss on the cheek and run out the door with my backpack on my back.

Lucky for me, i live in a large five bedroom house, thats only a 10 minute train ride from Melbourne central. Gracie gets on the stop after mine and we just talk until we reach flinders street station, which is where we meet Kenzie and Ashton, who live on the opposite side of Melbourne central. Were all only 16 except for Ashton, who is 17 because his birthday was in january, therefore we only have our Learners (except Kenzie who has put them off) and cant legally get our license until were 18 unfortunately.

we get to the cinema and find our seats, unfortunately its packed so I'm forced to sit next to a random guy who looks about my age. i thought that he would just ignore me, because thats what teenagers are like but he says "don't i know you?" i don't think so "were in the same biology class" oh, thats right "I'm Mikey" i thought his name was Adam... for some reason "I'm Oliver, its nice to officially meet you, are you knew at Melbourne grammar?" "yeah, my mum, sister and I just moved here from the country" i was about to ask him where abouts, but the adds were finishing and the movie was starting. I could hardly focus, all I could think about was how his shoulder was touching mine.

The movie finished and Gracie, Kenzie, Ash and I were about to go to Witching Hour, but I thought I should invite Mikey.

He said yes.

For the next couple of weeks, the witching hour has a special menu to celebrate 'Crimes of Grindelwald' coming out, despite the fact that the cafe isn't actually witch themed, just by the names sake. of coarse, we all ordered something of the new menu, were not crazy harry potter fans, but we highly appreciate the artistry of the books and films.

we asked Mikey questions about where he came from, apparently a place called Lakes entrance, which is still in Victoria but about a four hour drive from Melbourne. he also mentioned that he was doing drama, and that were in that class together, although i missed the first week of drama as there was a problem with my timetable but apparently its only a small class with him, Kenzie, Ashton, two other students who are in year 10 and me. we spend the rest of the night getting to know each other, i was even learning things about the batch that i didn't know, for example, Ashton's going to a 5SOS concert in a couple of weeks and invited Kenzie... but 'NOT as a date' (I'm jealous he didn't invite me, i mean they're one of my favourite bands, but I'm excited for them!) and i already am up to date with gracie because she is my BFF.

Gracie was sleeping at Kenzie's tonight so i thought i would be on the train by myself, but it turns out that Mikey is on the same train as me, I'm not sure what his stop is but at least i wont be completely alone.

On the ride home we discussed what house we would be in a Hogwarts (gryffindor's obviously) and it was kind of nerdy but it was nice. turns out he only live a block away from me so we got off on the same stop and he walked me to my house and then kept walking to his. before he left i gave him my number, but I'm not sure if he will actually want to message me. i go upstairs, and take a shower with my spotify playlist *41 degrees celsius* and when i come out i see a message

from: 0498796747

*Hey, its Mikey*

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