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Picture is of Damien's dad.

Chapter Eight

Damien's POV

"I want to kill them all," I announce to the other Alphas present.

Nobody moves.

I turn my stare to William, Alpha of England, and give him a questioning gaze. "What is your opinion William?"

His eyes bulge and he gives me a surprised look. "You're serious?"

"When do I ever joke," I growl back.

"Well sir, this idea is absurd!" he exclaims. "We can't simply kill all the vampires."

"One attacked my mate." I cock an eyebrow and cross my arms. "Are you saying that's not a good enough reason to do it?"

"No b-but," William stutters before Xing speaks up.

"In Williams defense we didn't even know you had a mate until..." Xing glances at his watch, "twenty one minutes ago."

Before I can reply the elevator flies open and in strolls the last person I expected.

My dad.

"Hello Son, how you been?" My dad says while taking a seat in the chair next to me.

"What are you doing?" I reply, giving him a hard glare.

He smiles. "I'm helping out my unreasonable little boy. Do I need another excuse?"

I growl and glance at the door. "Are the other Elders coming?"

"Of course not. Just me, here to keep my sexual frustrated son in check," he says with a smirk.

"Watch it dad," I warn while my eyes flash a darker brown.

"What? You have found your mate, haven't you? I mean when I first met your mother all I could think about was her voluptuous breasts and how I wanted to-"

"That's enough," I interrupt.

He grins. "You better mark her soon, boy. It's only going to get worse if you don't."

I narrow my eyes at him. "I'm working on it," I reply.

"Good. Now back to the topic you were on before. No matter how much you want to kill the vampires, you can't. That's a suicide mission and even if we were to try it would just spark a full out war between all supernaturals," he says in a serious tone. The other Alphas nod their head in agreement and I let out a sigh. He's right of course.

"That's why you have to play this out carefully. I say you figure out what they want with your girl and then move from there," he finishes.

"Sounds like a plan," I say while getting up from the table. The other Alphas get up to and say their goodbyes quickly, before rushing out of the living room. I turn to my dad but he holds up a hand, stopping me from saying anything.

"You can thank me later. Your ma expects me back before she wakes up, so I got to skidaddle." He gets up from the chair and walks towards the elevator. "Oh, and the next time I see you she better be marked! Me and your mother want grand kids!"

I groan and lean back on the couch. It's just like dad to come out of nowhere, interfere with my life, then leave as quick as he had came. At least this time he didn't burn down anything.


Elizabeth's POV

Loud annoying ringing bothers my ears in the morning.

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