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"IT'S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS!!" Louis blared out at the top of his lungs. Harry groaned and slowly opened his eyes, yawning tiredly.

"Whaaa...?" He yawned again.

"It's Christmas!!" Louis jumped on the bed and pinned Harry down. Harry stared up at him with rosy cheeks.

"H-Hey." Louis noticed what he was doing.

"Oops." He tried to remove himself from Harry, but Harry grabbed his wrist and pulled him back on top of him.

"No, stay." Louis blushed and batted his lashes shyly down at the ghost. Harry smiled up at him. Involuntarily, Louis reached down and twirled a strand of the younger's curls. He smiled as it bounced back in place.

"Let's get up! It's Christmas." Harry sighed and slowly sat up, causing Louis to slide down on his lap. The oldest blushed and hid his face in Harry's bare chest. Harry snaked his arms around the boy's waist. He rubbed the small of Louis' back.

"Merry Christmas, my love." Harry pecked the top of the boy's head with a soft kiss.

"Merry Christmas." Louis said bashfully.

"Now lemme get up." Harry said and Louis crawled off of his lap. Harry grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.

"Be quick." He said impatiently. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"You got ready already?" He asked. Louis nodded his head eagerly.

"Of course I did! I always get ready as soon as I can on Christmas." Louis said as if it was obvious. Harry shrugged.

"Oh. I'll try to be quick." He promised. He gave Louis' lips a soft kiss very quickly before he hurried into the bathroom. He closed the door and soon after Louis heard the shower starting.

Louis sighed, he was in euphoria.


He twirled the necklace around his neck and traced the heart locket with a small smile on his face. He loves me. He really loves me.

He bit his lip and then got up. He decided he would maybe prepare some sugar cookies for Harry while he was getting ready. He skipped down the stairs and pulled some of the cookies they had previously made out. He decorated them with coloured frosting and sprinkles. He smiled down at his masterpiece.

He quickly filled two glasses with milk and set them by the two plates of cookies. He then boosted himself up on a stool at the bar table and impatiently waited for Harry to be done.

Soon, Harry emerged in sweatpants and a t-shirt. His hair was wet and he had a hair towel swung over his shoulder. He smiled at his boyfriend.

"Hey love." Louis beamed at him.

"I have cookies!" He shoved the plate towards Harry and Harry jumped back slightly in surprise.

"Thanks, babe." He took the plate from him and boosted himself up on a stool next to Louis.

"What do you think Niall's doing?" Louis asked in wonder as they munched on their cookies and drank their milk. Harry shrugged at the question.

"Beats me. He told me yesterday that he was going back to Hell to make things right with Zayn." Louis blinked in confusion.

"Why would he want to go back there?" Louis asked in shock. Harry sighed.

"I have no idea. He really has a thing for Zayn." Louis grimaced.

"I can't see why." Harry nodded his head in agreement.

"Same." Louis perked up suddenly.

"I have your gift. Lemme go get it." Harry smiled.

"I'll grab yours too." They both went in separate directions to grab each other's gifts.

Finally, they both emerged. They smiled at each other.

"Living room!" Louis chimed. Harry blinked.

"Why not right here?" He asked, confused. Louis laughed and ruffled Harry's curls.

"Because the Christmas tree isn't in here, silly."

"Ohhhhh." Harry finally realised what Louis meant.

"Now let's go." Louis dragged the younger into the living room where the tree was set up. They both sat down in front of the tree cross-legged, after Louis turned the lights of the tree on. He smiled and handed the gift to Harry.

"Open mine first." Harry laughed and took the gift from Louis. He slowly unwrapped it and Louis watched eagerly. Anticipation was on his face when Harry opened the box. Immediately, Harry blushed.

In the box was a silver bracelet that had his name carved on the outside. On the inside, the words 'I love you' we're carved, as well as Harry's initials. Tears welled up in Harry's eyes.

Harry didn't even celebrate Christmas and here Louis was being so kind and loving with his gift. He held it close to him before taking it out of the box. He pressed it to his chest, smiling through his tears. Louis blushed and looked down shyly.

"Do you like it?" He asked softly. Harry slipped the bracelet on and nodded his head.

"I love it! Thank you so much! This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done to me." He swung his arms around Louis and kissed his cheek lovingly.

Louis felt kind of bed. He wondered what Christmas looked like when Harry was alive with his sister and his mother, in that very room.

And then Louis remembered what Christmas was like when his parents and his four sisters were alive. He shook the thoughts away. He couldn't be depressed. It was Christmas!

"Open mine now!" Harry said eagerly and handed the box to Louis. Louis smiled and tore the wrapping paper apart. He opened the box and was confused when he saw there was nothing in it. Louis blinked.


"Look at me." Harry interrupted him. Louis looked at Harry with wide eyes. Harry pulled a small box out of his sweatpants' pocket and realisation suddenly hit Louis.

Oh my gosh.

Harry got down on one knee and opened the box. A sparkling diamond ring stared back at Louis. Tears welled up in Louis' eyes and made his vision blurry.

"H-Harry...oh my gosh..."

Harry smiled, his green eyes sparkling.

"Louis, my love, you mean the world to me. There is no one I would rather be with than you. I want to take our love to the next level. I want you to be mine forever. Louis, darling, will you marry me?" Louis gasped out.

"Yes! Yes!!" He sobbed. He reached his shaky hand out and Harry gently pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it onto Louis' ring finger. Louis blushed, pulling his hand back and admiring the gorgeous ring. His heart pounded rapidly in his chest.

Harry stood up and Louis jumped on top of him, kissing him sweetly. Tears flowed down his cheeks and when they pulled back, Harry brushed them away with a bright smile on his face.

"I love you!" Louis wailed. Harry laughed and tightened his grip on the boy's waist.

"I love you too." He pecked the boy's nose.

"This is the best Christmas ever!"

And it was. Even though both were without their families, Louis knew that he would never forget this Christmas.


A.N. Please vote and comment! Thank you so much! Only one more chapter and an epilogue left of this story. Thanks so much for reading!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American readers! I hope it's a great one!

I love you all so much. :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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