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*third person*

Louis woke up the next day with a bad feeling in his stomach. He whimpered and slowly sat up in bed.

Harry was gone.

There was an odd odour in the air, and Louis wondered where it came from. He got up and wandered over to the door, opening it and peering out.

He heard crying. He heard screaming. He heard swearing.

Louis ran down the stairs as fast as he could. With each passing step the bad feeling was increasing.

And then he came to a halt at the end of the staircase.

He slowly walked closer and closer until he reached the door to the living room. He slowly opened it...


The sight before him was the worst thing that he could have ever witnessed.

Daisy was lying on the ground, skin pale and lips blue. Blood surrounded her and there was an open gash in her chest. Lottie, Fizzy, and Phoebe were kneeling down by the dead body, crying endlessly.

Louis' heart stopped.

He screamed.

He screamed so loud that he was sure that everyone in Holmes Chapel would hear his scream. Everyone in Cheshire would hear it, actually. Maybe even everyone in England.

He ran over to her body, tears streaming endlessly down his cheeks. He grabbed her bloody body and clutched it to his chest, not caring that blood was getting all over him.

He screamed again and sobbed loudly. His knees and legs wobbled and gave out. He collapsed onto his knees on the bloody floor, crying.

"No, no!" He sobbed. "Call the hospital! Do something! DO SOMETHING! WHY ARE YOU JUST SITTING HERE?" He screamed. The girls flinched and Lottie cried out,

"We can't! She's already dead..." She continued to sob.

Louis was growing mad. Or, more mad.

He placed her body back down and screamed,

"FINE! I'LL DO IT MYSELF." He rushes over to where the phone was in kitchen.

"No!" Lottie cried, following him. "Louis, you can't!"


"Louis, please calm down." She whispered. "And you can't because she's already dead, you can't save her. None of us can! And besides, we don't know who killed her. We're the only ones around here, this house is in the middle of nowhere. We don't have neighbours, nothing! We'd be convicted of the crime. We can't. We should just bury her outside in the graveyard."

Louis looked down, tears streaming down his cheeks.


"I know, I know." Lottie whispered. She ran into her brother's arms and they cried together. Soon, Phoebe and Fizzy joined them.

They all formed a group hug, crying together.


"Louis?!" Lottie' panicked voice was right outside of his door. Louis was trying to figure out who could've killed Daisy. Louis jumped up from his desk chair and opened the door, worried.

"What?" He asked his now crying sister. What he really wanted to say, was what horrible thing happened now? But he didn't.

"Where did you put the body?"

"Me? I didn't! I thought you had it..." panic started to rise up in Louis.

"I didn't! Neither did Fizzy or Phoebe."

"Are you sure??"


"Did you check the graveyard?"

"Yes. She's not there!"

"Where could the body have gone?!" Louis asked in frustration.

"I don't know!" Lottie sobbed. "I have to go make a phone call really quick, Fizzy and Phoebe are still looking for her around the house." Lottie said as she rushed off.

The appointment. She's cancelling it. Louis hated to feel relief at this time. But he did.

"Lou?" Lottie called as she was half way down the hallway.

"Yeah?" Louis more whispered it, too disappointed in himself that he couldn't save his sister. Or even give her a proper burial.

"Fix that floorboard in the middle of your room."

"What floorboard?"

"The one that's lifted up." Louis frowned as his sister disappeared down the hallway and Louis quickly closed his door. He turned around and saw it.

The lifted floorboard.

He walked over to it and tried to shove it down, but there was something stopping it from going all the way down. Or rather, some things.

"What the..." He muttered as he lifted the floorboard back up.

There, nestled in the hay under the floorboard, was a whole pile of tapes. There were tons of them.

"How did..." Louis trailed off. He picked one up. It wasn't dusty like the others, it was noticeably clean.

He walked over to his desk and put it into his computer. He gasped when the tape started to play.

A shadowy figure with red beady eyes, wings, and sharp claws and fangs, walked over to Daisy as she went to get a glass of milk. It was early in the morning. The figure jumped on her, and she scream as the figure tore a knife through her heart.

The figure picked the camera up and transformed into a more human form.

Louis' skin paled when he recognised the figure.

It was Harry.


A.N. please vote and comment! Thanks for reading (: have a fantastic rest of your day/night.

Fantastic is such a weird but fun word xD

Anyways, I love ya all soo much :) xx

Sweet dreams I mean bye xo

~Nia :D xoxo

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