♒ Chapter Eight

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   His face was full of emotions I couldn’t decipher, my breath caught inside my throat.

I wanted to kiss him.

  Right then and there. It seemed like he wanted the same thing.

  It made me stand closer to him -also his arm on my lower back that was pulling me greedily towards him- taking in his cologne that smelled fresh and strong even after we’ve been dancing for the past three hours.

  I looked up at him, meeting his lust filled dark eyes. I felt him tilt his head down….his lips mere inches away from mine.

  My heart was near combust as I felt his warm breath caress my tingling hot skin. I shut my eyes closed and felt his soft full plum lips brush mine…..

  All of a sudden it’s like a wall came crushing down on me. All of my senses turned bright red, alarmed, and I was aware of what I was about to do.

Kiss Hunter.

  My heart was echoing those words, almost blinding my mind.


  I pulled away just as his lips were about to make contact.

I can’t do this.

 Not like this.

 I barely fucking know him.

 No, not fucking.

 Don’t think about fucking.

Get yourself together.

Think about Jesus.

  I was not the type of girl that walks around humping each and every boy that makes her feel special. Those are the worst, they know what they’re doing and they keep pulling you in just so they can end you, break your heart. I’ve seen too many. Thankfully, I have no heart for them to break.

Suck on that, fuckers.

  ‘’I’m sorry, I’m not this kind of person’’ I said after a short while.

Hunters’ expression was harder to decipher than I thought. I’ve never been faced with a person so arduous to read. Ordinarily, people are like open books, fleeting pages, exposed to the daylight, indifferent at time but mostly unchanged.

Maybe Hunter isn’t the person I thought he was?

Seems like we both were caught up in the moment.

Ha fucking ha.

‘’Me neither’’ he said pulling his warm hands leisurely away from me. 

Ha. Ha. Ha.

I feel like crying. 

I surmise my plan at seducing him slightly worked, huh? That is my only comfort since he looks like a really good kisser with those silky, plum- 

NO! Nothing! Abso-fucking-lutely nothing!

Aboard mission!

  It felt ungainly like this –everyone dancing around us, grinding against each other while we’re just standing and staring, complete strangers.

  I was thinking of saying something, making an excuse to leave, I just ended up sighing deeply and walking away. My action may seem odd but given the situation it was all I could do before my mind went bonkers.

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