Hey guy! Yes I know I haven't updated my stories in forever because my mom took my phone and now I am going to have to use my computer for now on, that and my no good asshole of a boyfriend (Now Ex) was going to plan on Breaking up on me on the day of Valentine's day and make a whole poster of everything he didn't like about me and that the real reason why he even dated me is just to flex that he got me and shit like that. Now I usually don't get too attached to boys because I am afraid they will hurt me but my dumbass heart got to attached to him and now I am hurt when I should just forget about him, I have myself to blame for letting him get this far in my feeling so yeah but good news is that I got to my friends to beat the living shit out of him(Girl friends to be exact) and I a kinda happy but still sad and the same time. So yeah I just wanted to give you guys a heads up