Look I completely understand the few of you who don't give a damn about my personal and thats fine because I'm posting another which is to the story and maybe more so don't get your panties in a twist.
Em: Entitled Mom
Bk: Bitchy Kid
M: My mom
SL: Spanish Lady
Sm: Store ManagerThis just happened to me yesterday and I hate that I didn't do more then I should have.
I was at Wal-Mart with my mom and like I said before I am 15 which is not a baby and don't need my parents supervising me everywhere I go. Let me give you a heads up that the people of Baltimore are f*cking crazy! (Not all but most) So I LOVE Anime with a passion every since I was about 10 when Doreamon used to come on (Good show would recommend to watch) So I went over to the toys sections and saw just your standardize things kids like UNTIL I saw an Izuku Midoriya Pop up doll!! It seemed to be the last one which I was grateful for. I checked the price and it was on $10! Wow I know cheap. I was about to go to the front when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked over to a Spanish women who was actually really nice.
(She didn't have good English but I do understand Spanish so it wasn't a problem to help her)
SL: Perdóneme? (Excuse me?)
Me: ¿Sí Peudo ayudarte? (Yes, Can I help you)
SL: ¿Necesito ayuda! Peudes traducir esto por mi ? (I need help! Can you translate this for me?)
I said yes and followed her, I took the Pop up doll with me so I can easily pay for it. She took me to the Medicinal side where most stuff if for Colds, Flu's ect. She asked me if I could help her find Non Drowsy Allergy Relief for her son. I have really bad allergies so I'm pretty used to where most stuff is, I give her the one I usually buy. She thanked me and asked me (we spoke the entire time in Spanish) if she could buy me something for helping her. I politely declined but she insisted, I gave in and explained her that I wanted to buy My thing since it was the last one. She said she be happy to buy it for me, since I was such a nice person. (Tben a Wild Bk and Em appeared)
Bk: Mommy! That's the mean girl who took the last toy I want it!
Em: Hey you Slutty girl! Give my Daughters that toy your to old to play with that anyway!
Me: No! And I am not a Slut you Karen looking Bitch! (I'm not sorry)
Em: I bet your illegal Immigrate Mom taught you that!
(I am actually glad the women didn't understand everything the Em said because I felt bad for her but shit is about to go down)
Me: First of all, She is not my Mom
And Secondly, you demon she had every right to be here like you!Em: Glares at me You slutty girl watch your tougue!
Me: Make me you Old Hag! (Bakugou has never made me more proud) Go screw off and leave us alone!
Em: Ugh! Teenager's have no respect for there superiors!
This little demon spawn tried to snatch it from me (the kid was like 12 so not a big age difference) I pushed the Bk on the floor and she started bawling like a 5 year old and I swear this Karen went Ape-Shit Crazy.
This Em slapped me in my face and kicked me to the ground, I fell to the ground and was beyond pissed I stood back up and she tried to punch me but I Falcon Punched her ass to the floor. So many saw the entire thing and did nothing but the SL went to get the store Manger
Em: You awful child! How dare you hit me! I am sueing you for assault!
(Then entered the Store Manager)
Sm: What is going on?
Em: This slutty girl flashed her boobs to my baby girl and asked her for sex and stole her toy! She also assaulted me and my daughter! She should be locked up!
(He turned to me)
Sm: Is this true?
Me: No! I never flashed my chest or asked that girl for sex jesus christ! That women assaulted me! She slapped me and kicked me to the floor!
Sm: Well...we do have security camera's that point this way so I'll see...are you here with anyone?
Me: Yes My mom!
I used my phone to call my mom from the Isle she was in, and told her everything. She was furious, as any mother should be while the Em looked terrified (Good bitch) My mom came and started cursing like a sailor at Em, she was almost about to beat the shit out of her. (Understandable) And well and behold I was right about everything. And I promise you, my mom tackled her and if it wasn't for The guards that were there she might have put her in the hospital. (My mom is an OG)
The Em and her Kid were banned from entering Wal-mart, and the police that showed up asked me if I wanted to press charges I said yes and the Em got hit with Assault to a minor and Public Disturbance (Her Sentence was 7 year with an extra 3 months of house arrest) I have a bruise on my face and stomach but I'm fine for now (Ps The Sm let me get the Izuku Midoriya Pop up doll for free yay!)For those who wondering the SL asked me if I was alright I said yes and gave me $15 dollars. She was really nice so I hope she's doing well and To the Em and Bk Fuck the both of you and I hope Satan rips out your souls!