-who the fuck even are you?-

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I went back home yesterday quite late at night , early in the morning at best. I was in my room laying on my bed trying to convice myself to atleast get 30 minutes of sleep , yet i couldn't. I stared at the ceiling and got lost in my thoughts.

All the hatred of mine bubbled up. I grabbed a pillow and smushed it on my face.

At first trying to suffocate myself then as i realized i couldnt do anything i just screamed in it. I cried for the first time this month. I wiped my tears as i heard noises outside of my door.

I heard a harsh knock and i groaned. What did she want?

" get up! Mass will start soon!" She said and i groaned louder.

" IM NOT GOING!" I yelled back and i felt a harsh kick to the door. I didnt do anything. Then there was another...This wasn't her.

When the door fell off the weak hinges did i know it was a man. I sat up in my bed for a bit and raised my brow. I would laugh if I could.

An old bald fat man was glaring at me and turned to my mom.

" you really let her disrespect you like that? Kids nowadays have no respect." He said and glared at me.

" you're the mother , if you tell her what to do she has to do it." He said and I glared right back at him.

"Who the fuck are you?" I said and saw as he got angry. He came towards me and i dodged him. I laughed mockingly. This was hilarious to watch.

"What mother , did you get a new man? What was the count now......6th one this month?" I said and felt a hard slap from the man. I glared at him and flipped him off as i gained more space between us.

"You really do have bad taste in men mum." I said and punched the man in the gut then brought my knee up to his face. I could see my mom pissed and embarassed. I was right , this was a starting to be 'boyfriend' of my mom.

I felt a punch to my face and fell back a little. I quickly got up and punched him again.

"Fucking asshole , think you can come into my house and attack me? Who the fuck even are you? Get the fuck out" i said and pummeled him and pushed him out my room.

It wasnt until i felt a vase shatter on my head did i realize how much even more of a bitch my mom was. I turned and glared at her.

"This is not your house!it is mine! And if youre living under my roof you have to do as i say!" she said and I couldn't retort back as I felt the man grab a fist full of my hair and yank me around. I yelled and kicked but he wouldnt let go. I felt punches , slaps and even kicks when i was left on the floor panting. I coughed and collected my air.

"Fuck you both." I spat out and literally sprayed blood at them. I probably had a split lip.

I saw as the guy was going to kick me again but my mom held him back , he yelled at her and pushed her away and stormed off. I heard her kissing ass and pleading for him to stay. I gagged and slowly sat up.

I made my way to my room and i heard her come back to me.

" we are going. End of discussion" she said and walked off to her room in a huff.

I yelled and thrashed my shit around. I hated it here! I hated her! I hated the men she would bring! I hated myself ! I hated life!

I calmed down when i was aching all over and my knuckles all bloodied. I sighed and grabbed a random shirt and held it to them to stop the blood. I needed bandages. I didnt even want to see myself in the mirror ,i know i looked fucked. After that stupid meaty man.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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