Y-y-you're One D-direction

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My stomach grumbled and my eyes fluttered open. It felt like there was a giant pit in my stomach, completely barren and empty. I couldn't even remember the last time I ate. Did I even eat breakfast this morning? Everything was a fuzzy blur. After fully opening my eyes and sitting up, I realized where I was. I was at the gym, alone. Why was nobody here? The whole day flooded back to me reminding me of today's horrors. I immediately took out my phone wondering how long I had been asleep. 6:47pm, it had been 6 hours since I came here. It was the exact same way it had been earlier today, nothing had changed, which means nobody had come in. None of my 20 teammates had shown up for practice. Had every single one of them been captured by zombies? I almost broke down in tears from the thought of losing my family. I really needed them, especially now. I had no other family here, they were the only ones I could truly count on and now they weren't even here. I was truly alone. My vision began to turn blurry, right on the edge of tears.

I closed my eyes not letting any tears spill out of my eyes. I was taught to be strong and strong people don’t cry. It was the number one rule in my life. Nobody was ever allowed to see me cry. Nobody was ever allowed to see the stress I'm under. Nobody was every allowed to see how unhappy I am. If they did, paparazzi would catch it and my parents would be on front-page news about their horrible parenting. If the amount of stress was caught, I would be forced to quit rhythmic. Crying was just simply not allowed.

My stomach let out a giant grumble once again. There was a convenience store a few blocks away from the gym. I could easily drive there and pick up some food and drive back here to my little safety zone. I put my jacket on and walked out into the frigid air. I don’t get how it was May and I was still freezing when I went outside. I could hear cars zooming past on the street but in the parking lot everything was still. Not one other car had joined my car here. I reached my car and quickly hopped in. I turned it on frightened by the loud noise it used to start itself. I had a big black range rover, which was both useful and harmful right now. I pulled out of the parking lot and out on to the street. I surveyed both sides, but nothing abnormal was insight. Everything looked completely ordinary, as if today’s events hadn’t occurred. I drove peacefully to the store, parking in the once again empty parking lot. I was so calm, I didn’t even bother to look around until I got into the store. Broken glass lay shattered on the ground while bags of food covered the floor with some open spilling their contents. All the fridges were left wide open with sodas spewing out. There was a crunch everywhere I stepped.

“Hello?” I called out towards the barren store. No response. “Helloooooo? Is anybody here? Anybody at all?” I tried out again, taking a pause between each question waiting for a response.

“H-h-hello, you’re n-not a z-z-zombie, are you?” A squeaky voice called out from behind the register. The sound of another human scared me and I reached for the closest thing near me, which happened to be an empty rack so I pulled it in front of me. Crouching behind it. I looked quizzically at the man analyzing him, watching for the green skin. There was no green skin in sight. He was simply just an old, short, balding man. He wore a forest green cardigan with a grey button down shirt underneath. A cut that appeared to be new was on his right temple. He was little chubby but he looked so adorable. I could see the fear in his eyes as he stared right back at me looking for the green skin as well.

“I’m guessing you were attacked?” I finally said, breaking the silence.

“Y-yes, yes I was. They just came in and got all the p-poor customers that were in here. I hid behind the register and they didn’t get me, but my it was scary. I didn’t realize zombies existed and they were right here in my store! There were windows crashing, people screaming and I couldn’t d-do a thing to help them. I was completely useless. The only thing I could do was save myself. Eventually the noises stopped, but I c-c-couldn’t come out. What if they were s-still here, waiting for me to show my flesh? I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t come in here.” The man stuttered out. His hand moving with each stutter, shaking almost. Fear ran through every part of his body. I wanted to tell him everything would be okay but I couldn’t lie to him.

“I’m sorry, really. If they see a place is empty, then I don’t think they will come in. Just stay away from the windows or out in the broad daylight. I really don’t know what to tell you, since I don’t know much myself.”

“Oh thank you f-for the advice. Is there anything you need? There must be a reason you came into this wrecked store in the first place.” He said, slowly losing his stutter as his fear seemed to disappear.

“Actually I was wondering if you had any food, but I guess the zombies got to it first” I replied scanning the crumbs of all the food that there was in the store now on the ground.

“Oh don’t worry about that! We have tons of food in the back. I’ll bring it to you!” The little old man answered moving from his spot for the first time since I came into the store. He hopped off into the back room and soon returned with 4 cardboard boxes of different assortments of junk food. Well, looks like I wont be eating healthy for awhile. He handed me the boxes with a little smile appearing on his face. He truly was the most adorable little man. I think the fact of just seeing an actual human made him feel much better. In fact I think I lifted my spirits a bit too. I gave him a little kiss on the cheek and then waved goodbye as I brought the boxes out to my car. Not a zombie in sight.

I put a few boxes of the food in the back and one box in the passenger seat and then climbed in. Pulling out of the parking lot, I began to drive back to the gym. My stomach let out a giant grumble once again reminding me how starving I was. I took out the first bag of chips I could reach. I used my mouth and one hand to tear it open, but of course it exploded everywhere. I groaned as I pulled over the side of the road and began to pick up the scattered chips.

“Help! Help! Somebody help us!” The sound of muffled screaming made its way to my ears. I poked my head up and saw on the small alley to my right, about 8 people screaming and running towards me. Behind them I could see the faint bit of green chasing after them. Without thinking I reached over and opened up the passenger seat.

“In here!” I yelled out to them. They noticed me and sped up. Their faces were streaming down with sweat. I clicked the button to open up the trunk and reached back to open the back seat doors. They all slid in, moving the boxes of food onto their laps and closed the doors behind them. 2 boys and a girl got into the trunk, the oldest guy got in the passenger seat and the rest squished into the back seat. I sped away as soon as I heard the doors shut, not even giving the strangers in my car a glance. Through my rearview mirrors I could see the zombies still chasing us, stopping the cars that were going behind us. It was like a wall of zombies. I was nearing my safety zone. I began to slow down getting ready to turn when 8 different screams erupted from the car asking what the hell I was doing. The thought hit me that the zombies would easily follow us in there. It had been just a habit to turn in there that I hadn’t even thought about it. I sped up again as the screams died down. I said a silent goodbye to the gym, unsure if I’ll ever get to escape my life to it again. After about 5 minutes of driving 80 mph I think I finally lost the zombies. I decided to take a look at the random strangers I had saved. I turned around and my jaw dropped, “Y-y-you’re One D-direction”.

(A/N) YAY So I'm getting lots more reads and votes and I even got a couple comments so thank you guys! It really means a lot. So this chapter was my longest one and I think its one of my favorites. Dont forget to vote and comment again! I really love hearing your guys opinions. Also they semi-finally met. The next chapter is One Direction's POV to this (oooh teaser)

One Direction VS Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now