1. Always Right.

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According to a survey, 8 out of 10 people, having best friends of opposite sex, fall in love with their best friend. And I come in the list of those 8, whereas he is one of those 2.

Just kidding!

Ha ha...

About the survey part...

Not about the 'being one of the eight' part...


I know.


So before you begin thinking that this is the author who is talking to you, let me make it clear. It's not that stupid fellow talking, instead it's me, the one and only... not, since you people love using my name, Sanyukta Agrawal.

Did you just call me Stupid?

Yeah, now shut up Author.

Excuse me?

Excused. Stop intervening Girl! Just because you are writing this, it clearly doesn't gives you the right to speak in between.

But isn't it me who's writing this? And you're calling me stupid, so how am I supposed to be quiet?

Will you let me tell my story?

I will but first apologize.

I don't like you.

The feelings are mutual! Now go and ask someone else to write your story cause I'm not doing this! And as you already said there are a lot of people who would love to do that.

I just came and you already hate me?

You said it first.

But you love Sanyukta more everywhere except in His Forever, than Randhir. Don't you? And you are saying that you hate me?

I thought you were amazing, that is why I gave you the opportunity to feature in the first book of How To Break franchise but you decided to call me stupid. And just by the way, I love Sanyukta in His Forever too.

Okay fine, shouldn't have called you stupid sorry, but after reading your first story, that's the only thing that came in my mind. And also, you love Randhir more there, and you can't deny.

First of all I was just 14 when I wrote that story so stop judging and secondly, I love Randhir more there cause he's worth it. And to be very honest, I love this Randhir too, more than I will ever love you.

So are you trying to say that Sanyukta there and me are not worth it? I'm offended like hell Dude! And she'll get offended too and think what will happen to you if her Randhir gets to know about this.

*gulps* Are you going to continue with your story or not? Readers are not here to read our banters.

*Flips hair* Whatever, now don't interrupt.

So, hello again folks, I'm Sanyukta Agrawal and I love my best friend. Yes, that's about it. The whole story is about it. Every freaking thing is about that. Just that.


So in this one, I'm gonna be a great teacher and show you in practical HOW TO BREAK : BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING.

*Exhales deeply*

Wish me luck Author.

All the very best.... To me.

Lemme just tell His Forever's Randhir that—

All the very best!  You go girl! I know you are gonna rock it. He he.

How To Break : Best friend's Wedding. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें