A New City

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Idem felt as if she had been wandering through the muggy darkness for hours now. She had a feeling of anxiousness in her gut, or was that the ghost of a feeling from the bullets that had sat in her stomach? She shook her head and sighed, tension from the whole situation building up in her. This place she was in was very different from the Void, the mirror dimension she had been taken to the year prior. The Void actually had substance, albeit it was a negative or opposite of whatever reality had. This limbo realm just felt suffocating.

After walking for about another hour, Idem's foot struck something solid on the ground. She raised her foot and placed it on whatever was in front of her. She shuffled her foot forward again and hit another object and then repeated the same rising motion a few more times, coming to the conclusion that she had come across a set of stairs. Furrowing her brow, she continued upwards into the darkness. She soon walked into a door, grimacing after having hit her face. She rubbed her now sore nose and went to open the door. Idem’s heart caught in her throat after the doorknob jiggled a few times, refusing to open. ‘Oh crap, this better not be the door Damien had been talking about… and if it is, I really hope it opens.’ Idem thought to herself, her panic rising. She slammed her shoulder into the door, trying again to open it. After ramming into the door several times, it finally swung open and Idem tumbled through the doorway, crashing to the floor.

Groaning, she pushed herself up off the floor and glanced around the room. Her piano was in front of her and she saw her unmoving form sitting in a pool of dried blood just beyond the piano. Idem stood there in shock, taking in the surroundings around her. The room was lined with police tape along with several evidence markers dotted across her carpet. ‘But, there wasn’t anyone else in the house.’ Idem thought to herself. ‘They’ll never actually figure out who did this, she’s a fr-.’ She stopped mid-thought as she felt something brush past her. Looking around and seeing no one there, she shook her head and made her way downstairs, finding her living room full of police officers and other emergency response personnel. Not one of them turned their heads to look at her, which both confused and concerned Idem.

“Hello?” Idem said, waving at a nearby police officer. No one in the the room even so much as glanced over at her. A shiver ran down Idem’s spine as she looked at all of the people around her. She then noticed Cracked and Hope sitting on her sofa and her heart sank. 'They're the ones who probably found me...' Idem thought to herself in horror as she looked at her friends. She sighed and started heading back upstairs, a pit in her stomach. “I’m a ghost now, aren’t I?” she muttered to herself, looking down at her hands and inspecting them to see if anything had changed about her appearance.

“Well, in a sense, yes.” a male voice called out to Idem, startling her. “Technically, you’re a ghost right now. But since you were killed unjustly, which is obvious from all the police in your house, I'd say you've probably got the opportunity for a second chance. Besides, I can sense the remnants of dark and otherworldly things around me, so it's apparent someone or something has dabbled in dark happenings here and that gives you much more of an opportunity to be able to return.” A young man with dark brown curly hair and scruff along with olive tone skin that looked gaunt in the lighting stepped out from the upstairs bedroom off to Idem's left, one of his hands resting on his hip. His blue eyed gaze caught Idem’s eyes and she shuddered.

“Who are you, and why are you in my house?” Idem pressed, glaring at the young man. 'How could he even know that information, only my closest friends know of what happened here.' she thought to herself.

“The name’s Chris,” the young man said, absentmindedly scratching the back of his head and messing up his hair. “I'm an ex detective, used to work with some of the older guys around here.” He motioned to the emergency personnel now in Idem’s library. “We were working on an investigation at a recent crime scene when a suspect that had been hiding out at said location suddenly became unhidden and shot me.” Chris lifted his shirt to show a ragged scar on his stomach, putting it back down and straightening his ruffled hair, putting his hand back at his side and looking around the room. Idem shuddered, remembering what had happened to herself. “So, let's get you out of here, yeah? I'm stuck here, unable to pass on. We don't want you ending up like me.” Chris chuckled as Idem nodded, quickly making her way to the stairs and almost jumping down them. At the bottom of the stairs stood Chris, who had previously been behind her. Blinking a few times, Idem gazed at him.

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