A Burning Galaxy

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Warnings: Bombings

Summary: You married General Armitage Hux for the political alliance your father always imagined. You loved him because of the man he grew to be. And you left him because of the man he always was. 


A hard freeze set heavy on your planet as the creamy snow turned to ice. Any remnant of vegetation lay confined under the frozen barrier between earth and sky. Nothing but white decorated a hundred miles every direction. Castle halls exposed to the elements became a frozen Hell of menacing icicles, threatening to run you through at the slightest loss of footing. Thus, you were confined to the interior of the castle while your people froze and toiled to exist through such an unexpected turn of the season.

You sat beside your father in your favorite drawing room, watching every minute movement of General Hux across from you. His impeccable uniform gave credence to the authority he commanded in the room. Not a single hair lay out of place on his head. Every threat linking his exquisitely tailored clothes linked perfectly to its neighbor. There was nearly nothing to criticize. The only thing unfavorable you could see was the dangerous glint in his eye and twitch of his lip as he watched you back just as intently.

"So we're in agreement," Your father clapped his hands together enthusiastically, ignoring the silent conversation occurring between the now betrothed. His jowls wiggled as she stood to shake Hux's hand.

Hux finally broke from his examination of you, standing slowly to meet your father.

"We are," Hux clasped your father's hand.

He stood half a foot taller than your father rattling on about grandchildren. Hux returned to watching you over your father's head as he talked into his greatcoat. "Senator, I would appreciate a moment with your daughter." Hux interrupted him mid-sentence. Your father sputtered and hurried from the room mumbling about military men.

"Y/N," Hux tested the name on his lips. Hands clasped behind his back, he stepped towards you.

"General," You rolled your shoulders back to stand taller before him. "I don't even know your first name." A smile ghosted your mouth to cover the grimace under the surface.

Hux grasped your chin, pulling it up to look into his eyes. The searching look reappeared. He truly was stunning. You'd heard whispers of the man from many people before. Even the servants in your home gossiped in the dead of night when they believed nobody would overhear.

"You are lovely," Hux ran a thumb over your bottom lip, tugging it along the way.

"Flattery won't deter me, General," You grabbed the arm clutching your face. On contact, Hux ripped his hand away, taking a sudden step back. "Tell me." You reached for him and he against lurched from your touch.

"My given name is Armitage," He scowled, gripping his hands behind his back. The harsh lines of his face deepened.

"I like it," You declared, unperturbed by his sudden shift in temperament. "General Armitage Hux of the First Order." You smirked up at him, teasing. "It's a handsome name for a handsome man."

"Are you attempting flirtation?" Hux said.

"Succeeding, actually," You admired the subtle red tint at the top of his cheek seeping down his neck. "Have a safe trip. I'll see you soon, Armitage."

Hux raised an eyebrow and his jaw tightened at the sight of you turning away from him.

"You are requesting I leave?" Hux called after you, tugging at his uniform which fell out of place as when he'd retreated from you.

General Hux x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now