Chapter 4 : Renge! Shut Up!

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I feel today’s going to be a strange day…

“Tamaki-kun, why is it that you are so beautiful?” a pretty girl asked.

“Because I want to catch your eye, if only for one second longer.” Tamaki Suou answered.

“Why is it that your voice is so mellow?” Another asked. I would say obnoxious, but whatever suits her senses.

“So that my feelings might reach your ears.” Suou smoothly replied.

“Why is it that you look at me with such moist eyes?” A third guest wondered.

“Because your fresh, young smile make the spring in my heart overflow.” This guy should be a poet.

“Tamaki-kun…” the females gushed.

“The two of you would wear matching kimonos, huh?” a girl commented to Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin.

“The ones that everyone is wearing today are designed by our mother. If you like, we can take your order.” Hikaru, the ‘seme’ twin, answered.

“It is our grandmother that dressed us, though.” Kaoru, the ‘uke’ twin, continued.

“And of course, it’s my task to undress you, Kaoru.” Hikaru took hold of his brother’s chin.

“Hikaru…” Kaoru blushed. “You’re embarrassing me, in front of the others…”

“What a tender embrace!” their two guests squealed.

Ah, it smells like yaoi incest. Such a scent in the afternoon.

“Mikato-kun! you look so good in a kimono!” two females walked to where me and Haruhi stood. “And you, Haruhi-kun, look so cute! You look almost like a girl in it!” If only they knew..

“Fujioka's, you’ve been requested.” Kyoya Otori’s smooth voice called out. “Your clients have pretty well stabilized lately, haven’t they you two? Keep it up. We’re not planning to charge interest on the original debt you incurred, so just keep working hard, and pay it off. The rental fees for those kimonos is nothing to sneeze at, after all.”

He really is the Shadow Prince… how can he smile so casually when saying that?

“Kyoya-sama! You’re just too much, in that kimono. Are there any new photo collections of the Host Club coming out?” Two more guests interrupted.

“Unfortunately, nothing is scheduled at present.” Otori gives them a closed eyed smile.

“The club makes much of its money...” Hikaru pops up behind Kyoya.

“... from the sale of promotional items, right?” Kaoru finishes.

“The promotional items themselves are poor. The photo collections are just amateur hidden camera shots. In order to draw even more for the club’s expenses out of the school budget, we have to start coming up with some higher-quality products.” The black haired man pushed his glasses up.

Kyoya-kun is probably the only reason this club hasn’t gone bankrupt yet..

I decided to ignore everything around me and sit down with my guests. A new addition was made, her name was Izumi. She was a quote ‘Fabulous otaku who will take over the world’.

So we got along pretty well.

“Kato-kun! Did you finish watching Book of Circus?” Her voice got louder as she got excited. She was a second year class B, just like me. She had gotten me into anime recently, and I loved it. So many hot people~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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