Chapter 1

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This is my first story sooooo...

Hope you like it! :P


"Tay! Tay! Get up!" I screamed into her ear.

"What!?" she shouted shooting up from her bed, almost knocking me off.

"Time for the radio interview sis," I replied.

That’s right, I’m Taylor Swift's little sister. My name is Willow Beth Swift, I have a big brother called Austin and, well, Taylor.

I am fourteen with long, wavy blonde hair and blue crystal-like eyes.

Taylor is 22 years old with the same hair like me but straightened and eyes that change color, depending on her mood and clothes. Austin is 20 but already towering over Taylor, and she was like tall. He had his blonde hair dyed brown and it was short and curly. He was, in short a comedian, always making everyone laugh.

Taylor and I are eight years apart but we're really close.

I love Taylor and she even wrote a song about me, Never Grow Up, it’s about me when I was ten years old and being innocent and childish but then it goes on and tells how she doesn’t want me to grow up and get older. It’s so sweet and FOREVER my favorite song.

I have a job unlike most 14 year olds; I work for Target modeling all newest fashions for their catalogs since I’m Taylor Swift's sister. It’s kind of weird at first but then I get paid which is so cool. Being Taylor's sister had its perks!

Back to Taylor.

"We're leaving soon so get your lazy butt off the mattress," I shouted.

“I hate you," she mumbled tiredly.

"What was that Taylor?" I inquired, scowling.

"Nothing," she replied with a cheeky grin.

We were going to ‘Fun FM’ for an interview. Taylor touring around America meant that our family could go on a holiday. My sister had her own private tour bus which she shared with mum and I. We didn’t live in the bus but stayed at various hotels. I sometimes got annoying moving your luggage everywhere but you get used to it! Dad was working all the way back in Australia and Austin was busy in Tennessee State University with exams and such. Right now we were in New York, it was like a dream come true, I’d always wanted to go to NYC and buy an 'I

I'm at a payphone tryin' to call home

all of my change I spent on you

where have the times gone

baby it’s all wrong

where are the plans we made for two

My phone started ringing. My best friend Macy obviously set the song for herself. I swear she was in love with that song.

"Hey Mace!" I shouted eagerly.

"Hi Lows, wanna go shopping at 3 o'clock this arvo?” she asked.

"OMG! I’ll totally be there,” I replied excitedly.

"Good, see ya later," she said.

"Yeah, see ya soon!" I replied, pressing the ‘end call’ button.

“Hey, Tay, can I go shopping with Mace after your interview?” I pleaded.

“Well, don’t you have homework?” she asked as she started getting up.

“Tay, it’s the holidays, and plus I already said I’d go,” I told her, rolling my eyes.

“Yeah yeah, I guess you can,” she mumbled back, “Hey Lows, have you seen my blue beanie, I think I left it under the bed,” she inquired, bending down to peer at the darkness that seemed to always inhabit under her beds.

Sighing I responded, “It’s over there,” I stated while pointing at the beanie, haphazardly placed on top of a lamp shade.

“Oh, right, thanks Lows,” she replied with a grin. “Now, time for brekkie,” she stated, walking out her room.

“Mum already made you some pancakes, everyone else already ate,” I told her.

“Really?!” she asked, starting to walk faster, squeezing through our unpacked luggage. On the kitchen top sat half a pancake. “Wow thanks for leaving me,” Taylor started saying whilst picking up the syrup covered pancake, “so much.”

“You’re welcome,” I answered, quickly snatching the little piece of heaven and popped it in my mouth.

She stood there with her mouth wide open, "Shut your mouth or it’ll catch flies," I said, smirking while walking towards the couch.

"I'll give you three seconds to run," Taylor calmly said. Oh no, this was bad.


I ran to the small room that indicated my mother's bedroom.


I saw mum folding the cleanly washed clothes.


"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as Taylor ran in squirting me and my mother with sticky syrup, not to mention the clean, folded clothes. "Children!" mother shouted, we froze, Taylor had me in a headlock while squirting syrup in my hair.

We jumped apart, “She started it," we said simultaneously. Aren't we just so nice to each other?


After the whole pancake-syrup fiasco, we finally set off to the radio interview.

“Good morning folks! Today we have one of my good friends, Taylor Swift, on Fun FM !” said Miranda cheerfully, she was the radio show host and in one of Taylor’s endless lists of friends

“Morning to all of the people out there!” said Taylor. Trust her to say an awkward greeting, I thought.

“That, just then, was the one and only Taylor Swift, I can almost hear the screaming people out there listening to this! So will you sing a song for us today Taylor?” asked Miranda.

“Sure, I’ll be singing Never Grow Up, I wrote it for someone very special to me, my sister Willow.” Taylor replied, pointing at me.

“Would you please say a few words to our audience Willow?” said Miranda

“Course, um, hi people, I’m Taylor Swift’s infamous little sister Willow, I am 14 and I love Taylor’s song, Never Grow Up because it’s very special to me.” I said awkwardly, into the large microphone.

“Awww, how sweet, I’ve got tears in my eyes now!” said a cooing and sniffling Miranda.

“Now back to Taylor!” Miranda declared into her microphone.

“Your little hand's wrapped around my finger

And it's so quiet in the world tonight

Your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming

So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light

To you everything's funny, you got nothing to regret

I'd give all I have, honey

If you could stay like that,” Taylor sang.

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