The Hangout

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Y/n: What is this place?
Alex: It's my Hangout I guess.
Y/n: What do you do here?
Alex: Alot of stuff to be honest

*Your Pov*
We talked, laughed and had so much fun today it was getting late and we decided to get some food

Alex: What do u wanna eat
Both: laughing ALOT

*it was now like 12:00 in the night and we headed off to my house to watch some movies cause we were bored as hell😂❗*

Alex: what shall we watch?
Y/n: let's watch "The Office" !!
Alex: I love that show!!
Y/n: Me too!!

*A few hours later*

Y/n: I'm so tired
Alex: Me too
Y/n: can u stay?
Alex: Uh yeah why not.
Y/n: Okay let's go to my room.
Alex: wait what about your mom?
Y/n: oh yea, she's on a business trip
Alex: oh okay
Y/n: Goodnight Alex
Alex: Goodnight Y/n

*the next day*
*btw this is in the summer when there's no school*

Alex: Aww she sleeps so cute😫🤤
To bad I have wake her up😭
Wake up Y/n
Y/n: What time is it?
Alex: um 11:22
Y/n: Fuck, my mom's gonna be here at 12:00, You need to leave before she comes
Alex: okay I'll see you later or something bye
Y/n: Bye Alex.

I know this is short, no cliffhangers in this part.

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