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Authors note:
This story was made for the characters (wtf characters) to be in  summer when there isn't school.
So now they are starting school 👍
Also comment if u want a name for the main character (you) or not.

Y/N's Pov:
Mine and Alex's Relationship has been good, we've been dating for 3 months now and were gonna start school in a week and I'm not sure how people are going to react to us being together.
End of pov.

Alex: ughh school starts in a week.
Carlos: Haha I'm being home schooled
RIP to u Alex.
Alex: Lucky ass bitch.
Carlos: shut up and play bitch.

*Few hours later*

Y/n: I'm ready for a nap

*Alex calls your phone*

Y/n: Helerrr
Alex: whatcha doing?
Y/n: I'm about to take a nap.
Alex: ok cool im coming right over!
Y/n: Wait Al-

*Alex Ended the call*

*2 min later*


Y/n Pov: I open the door and see Alex with a pillow and blanket.

Alex: Let's take a nap.
Y/n: Wait that's why you came?
Alex: yea I'm tired too.

Y/n Pov:
Aww he wants to take a nap with me so cuteee.

*You and Alex, both head to ur room*

Alex: You ready?
Y/n: As ready as I'll ever be
Alex: Goodnight baby
Y/n: Goodnight babe

*3 hours later*

Y/n: Alex wake up its 8 PM
Alex: My gosh, we were sleeping for that long.
Y/n: Yea Are you hungry?
Alex: Yea let's get In-and-out
Y/n: Ok I'll get changed

*Skips to In-and-out*

Y/n: I cant eat anymore, I'm so full.
Alex: Me too, let's go

*Back home*

Alex: Bye baby see u tmr
Y/n: Bye, Alex I'll see u tomorrow

*School day*!!

Y/n: Okay Alex we have 2nd, 3rd and 5th period together see u in a bit bye babe.
Alex: Okay I'll miss you.
Y/n: I'll miss you too.

*Your Pov*
As I was walking I ran into some girl
End of Pov*

Unknown girl: Hey watch it bitch
Y/n: Oh I'm sorry
Unknown girl: Oh my gosh I'm just playing, I've missed you


Who was the girl?, find out tomorrow!!.

Posted    12/6/18

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