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*Your Thoughts*
Mom has been out for a few days, we never really talk, because she's always busy, she's a lawyer.
So, she's always working out of town for different cases.
*End of Thoughts*

This is why u never see the MC's (Main characters) mom.

Carlos Pov:
Damn I'm so bored let's see what Alex's doing.

*Carlos calls alex*
Carlos: "Hey Alex let's hangout!"
Alex: "wait I thought u were grounded?"
Carlos: Yea, I was but my mom let me free".
Alex: "Haha she let u free, Dont u mean u got ungrounded?".
Carlos: "Yes whatever, so do you wanna hang or no!?"
Alex: "Yea, Can I invite someone too?"
Carlos: "Yea I don't care".
Alex: "Okay bye".
Carlos: "Bye".
*End of call*

*Text Message*
Alex: Hey do u wanna go to Carlos's house?
*Y/n is typing...*
Y/n: I thought he was Grounded.
*Alex is Typing*
Alex: He was but he's ungrounded.
*Y/n is Typing*
Y/n: Yea I'll see u in 20.
Alex: okay.
*End of Conversation*

*I just threw on some leggings and a Nike crop top, and did my hair in a messy bun*

*Skips to at Carlos's house*

*Alex rings the doorbell*

*Carlos Answers*

Carlos: Hey Alex, U bought the Girl who helped us.
Alex: Yea
Y/n: Hey I'm Y/n.
Carlos: Come in Guys, You gonna stand there Forever.

*Hours later at Carlos's house*

Carlos: I'm Gonna take a shower, ok guys.
Alex: Ok

Alex: I wanna kiss you😏
Y/n: Oh yea Do it then!

*You And Alex start Making out*

*Carlos's Pov*
Oh yes, Nice and Clean.😂
Wtf is that noise?
Is that Alex and Y/n kissing, Aww there totally Together.
*End of Pov*

Carlos: Okay guys, I'm done!

*You and Alex stop what you were doing*

*Your mom starts to text you*

*text message*
Mom: Where are You?, Are You okay?
Y/n: Yes mom, I'm fine and I'm at my friend's house
Mom: its getting late, come home please.
Y/n: Okay mom I'll be there in 15 minutes.
Mom: okay be safe
*End of Conversation*

Y/n: Alex, Can u drop me off my mom wants me home right now.
Alex: Yea sure, I'll be back Carlos.
Carlos: Okay, see you in a bit.

*Skips to your house Driveway*

Alex: Okay this is It.
Y/n: yea I'll see you tomorrow Okay

*you guys kiss for a while*

Y/n: Mom I'm home.
Mom: I'm in my office.
Y/n: Okay I'm gonna shower.
Mom: Okay

*Meanwhile at Carlos's house*

Alex: I'm back.
Carlos: Okay, What's up with you and Y/n?
Alex: What are u talking about?
Carlos: Dont play dumb.
Alex: Fine, We're dating, but we are taking it slow.
Carlos: That's my boy!!
Alex: Wait you dont care?!
Carlos: No, I'm happy for you, I won't be in between your relationship.
Alex: Thanks Man.
Carlos: yea, No problem


Carlos: Hell yeah!!

No cliffhanger in this part.

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