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Artzy's POV
     I woke to bright sunlight shining through the window. I groaned in annoyance as I realized the massive headache I had. After managing to fight the pain I opened my eyes looking around. 

     "Please say I'm not...." i thought to myself. 

     Glancing to my left I quickly realized I wasn't alone. It took me a minute to realize what I saw in front of me. Simon was shirtless, only in his boxers, beside me. And I? Well I was just wearing Simon's shirt. Thank goodness for undergarments though. I was blushing like crazy but the first alarm that went off in my head was, what will JJ do if he sees us like this? I panicked standing up quickly. Worst mistake of my life. I sat down holding my head as I groaned in annoyance. Simon stirred beside me, thankfully not waking up. I laid back down beside him, just wanting to go back to sleep. Simon rolled over wrapping his arms around me. He hummed lightly, a sense of satisfaction in his voice. No getting up now I guess.

Simon's POV
     I woke up to my name being called. Sitting up, my newfound headache appeared causing me to lay back down. 

     "What?" I groaned in annoyance to whoever had the audacity to wake me up. 

     "Simon get up." A familiar voice told me. 

     "I can't JJ leave me alone." I argued. 

     "Simon don't act like you don't know what's going on." He snapped back, anger in his voice. 

    Slowly I got up again rubbing my eyes. 

     "What are you tal..." I stopped mid sentence as I looked to my right. "It's not what it looks like I swear!" I protested looking back at JJ. 

     "Oh yeah? Cause it looks like my 2 best friends just had sex." He rebuked not confident in my answer. 

     "Listen I don't know how we got here! I bet we didn't even do anything. I can't remember anything from last night and I doubt she does either!" I insisted. 

     "Yeah. Yeah I totally believe you. Explain why neither you or Artzy have clothes on!" 

     I could sense he was getting pissed as I held my head. I opened my mouth to say something but I quickly realized he was right. None of us really know what happened because we can't remember anything. 

     "You can't can you?!?" He scolded as I glanced at the sleeping girl beside me. 

     Jide walked back and forth throughout my room. I quickly became nervous, the palms of my hands sweating. 

     Finally I think JJ snapped. "Just brilliant! My 2 best friends slept together. Ya know what? It's fine it's totally fine!"

      He walked over to the side of the bed picking up Artzy. 

     "She's my Dragon and your not gonna hurt her again." he whispered before leaving the room. 

     Oh god what had I just gotten into?

Artzy's POV
     I woke up my hands a glowing orange. It seemed almost routinely now. No matter what I tried to do, my hands never seemed to stop glowing at random times. I got out of bed cautiously, aware of the headache I had. I rinsed my hands in cold water to get rid of the flames and I looked up. I glanced at the shirt I was wearing quickly realizing It wasn't mine. I remembered what happened this morning and a new question popped into my head, how did I get back to my room? Drying my hands off I turned on my phone and checked the sidemen group chat, replying to what had been Said...

Ethan: Yo what happened last night?
Harry: not sure I was super wasted.
Tobi: you lads were flat out drunk it was so funny watching you guys run around.
Vik: sorry Ethan and Harry, I don't know, I'm still in Australia.
JJ: yeah Simon. What happened.
All: Yo what did you do mate?
Simon: he's pissed at me forget it.
Josh: Jide calm down. All I know is that everyone got lost in the crowd
Artzy: not sure what happened either. My memories fuzzy.

     After evaluating that everyone had no idea what happened last night. I got another text.

~[Added] Simon and Artzy~
Josh: What happened this morning? All I heard was Jj yelling at someone.
Simon: it's nothing don't worry about it.
Artzy: That's what you said last time you didn't want to answer my question.

     My phone started to get hot so I dropped it on the bed, shaking my hands. I already learned how to control it didn't I? Carefully i picked up the phone and read the conversation.

Simon: don't be like that.
Josh: I'm going to leave it up to you guys to figure it out so. Bye.
~Josh has left the conversation
Simon: Why'd you have to bring that up?
Artzy: whatever. what did Josh say about JJ yelling?
Simon: come to my room later tonight when I'm done recording. Don't let Jide know.
~Seen 2:36pm~

     I sat looking at my phone. Why didn't he want JJ to know? Was it because of something he said?
     Hours later I was still downstairs cleaning up the mess. Occasionally I would try and do something cool with my fire. 6/10 times it worked, the other 4 I most likely almost burned something. Sighing, I picked up another cup and threw it out. Why did I agree to do this? I sat down in the living room. It was only 5:30 and I assumed Simon was still recording. Being bored out of my mind I decided to go outside.

Artzy: Meet at the park in 15.

     I texted them putting my phone away. Slipping on my shoes, I stepped outside shutting the door behind me. It felt nice to be alone again. Just for some time.
     As I sat on the park bench I heard footsteps behind me. 

     "Long time no see!" A familiar voice said, another excited one following. 

     "It's so good to see you again!" I turned around standing up to hug my friends. 

     "Hi Kumo, hi Savana!" I exclaimed embracing both of them at once. "How's it going at work?" I asked walking over to the swings. 

     "Great!" Kumo answered sitting down on the one next to me.

     Savana sighed, "it's been pretty boring since you quit." 

      "Wait why'd you leave anyway?" They said at the same time. 

     I shrugged looking at the ground. "I guess my life's kinda a mess right now. Anyway we came here to have a fun time together! Right?"

     Everyone agreed and we all started to catch up on stuff.
     Just as I was about to show them something my phone rang. 

    "Hold on let me answer this." I said walking away for a second.

A: Hi Simon what's up?
S: where are you I've looked everywhere.
A: I'll be back soon, I'm out with friends.
S: Well hurry up I still need to talk with you.

     I walked back over to Kumo and Savana telling them I had to go. 

     "Sorry guys I'll see you next time." I said hugging each of them separately. 

     We said our goodbyes and I started my walk home. I was nervous for some reason. But I couldn't put my mind to it.

(Sorry this chapter ended kinda badly. I was tired when writing this and I couldn't find a good way to end it. Anyway hope you enjoyed. I'll try and update soon.)

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