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Simon's POV

     I woke up to sunlight shining in my face. Slowly i sat up, looking at the sleeping red-haired girl beside me. I sighed stepping out of the warm sheets once again. I was careful not to wake Artzy up as i put my shirt on. I hadn't intended to stay in her room, but I wasn't complaining. Quietly i opened her door and slipped into the hallway. After checking the time, i walked downstairs and into the kitchen. To my surprise, Josh was awake. 

     "Oh hey, i figured you would still be asleep." i said while getting a red bull from the fridge. 

     "Nah, i didn't really drink that much." He replied. 

     There was a short moment of silence before Josh spoke up again. "So, are you and Artzy a thing or?" he asked hesitantly looking up from his phone. 

     I looked up at him confused. "wait what no? why would you even ask that?" 

     He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know man, i walked in on something this morning." 

     I shook my head quickly. "no no no. It wasn't what it looked like. We were watching Netflix and we just happened to fall asleep next to each other. That's it, ok." 

     "Whatever you say!" Josh complied putting his hands up in defense. 

     I rolled my eyes and stood up, heading towards the stairs. "Be quiet. i'm just gonna go record."

Artzy's POV

     I opened my eyes and looked to the side. Simon was no where to be found and i expected that. I knew he had to leave before JJ got here. 

     "I don't like him do I?" I suddenly thought, processing everything. "I really do don't I?" I asked myself. 

      "Who ya talking to?" I heard as I looked up. 

     "Hi JJ." I lazily said wondering why he was here. 

     "Hi." He replied walking over to the bed. "Sorry for leaving you alone yesterday. We went to a photo shoot and then went for a night out. Sorry I didn't invite you." Jide apologized rubbing the back of his neck. 

     "It's fine I had fun anyway." He looked up at me intrigued. 

     "What'd you do?" "I went to the coffee shop, the park, hung out with friends. And then Simon came home so I wasn't alone anymore, Finally. So we just watched movies and then I slept again." 

     JJ nodded his head. "Cool, cool. Well I'm making breakfast so you can come down if you want." He said getting up and walking towards the door. 

     "Jide we all know you can't cook!" I called after him. 

     "Sorry, I guess getting Nando's doesn't count as making food!" 

     I shook my head chucking to myself. "He's such and idiot sometimes."

     The day had been surprisingly boring. Usually someone's not recording and they're free to hang out, but today was different. Harry was back home, Ethan was training, Tobi was out of town, and everyone in the house was recording. I didn't really wanna hang out with Kumo and Savana because I did that yesterday. So me being the antisocial person I am, I opened my window and climbed onto the roof. It was a surprisingly nice evening and the temperature was just a little chilly. 

      "Hmm this could be a nice time to try out some new tricks." I thought to myself. 

     My hands never really glowed anymore and i was starting to think that i knew how to control it. Putting my hand in front of me I closed my eyes and concentrated on making some kind of swirl. I felt my hand getting warmer and eventually I opened my eyes. 

     "No way!" I exclaimed trying my best to contain my excitement. "It actually worked!"

     Informed with my new found abilities, I wanted to try something more, destructive. Sliding down to the edge of the black slanted roof, I dropped into my bedroom window and grabbed a few sheets of paper. Just as I heaved the rest of my body back onto the roof, I heard my door open. I sat still waiting for whoever's reaction it was. 

     "Artzy?" They called out. "Artzy please don't tell me you've gone off again." 

     He must have realized that my window was open. 

     "I'm up here Josh." I sighed sticking my head through the window. 

     "Oh gosh not again. Get down from there!" 

     I smirked leaning myself more off the side of the roof. "Why should I?" 

     Josh took a couple steps forward. "Artzy stop! Your gonna get your self hurt!" 

      I looked down seeing a small ledge below my window, just big enough to fit my feet on. Balancing myself would be the difficult part. I turned to Josh and at that moment I could tell he knew what I was thinking. 


     "Artzy don't..." 

     But It was to late I had already jumped off the roof and onto the ledge. I heard him run to the window. 

     "Get back up here!" 

     I laughed looking down at where I was standing. I knocked on the window and in a few short seconds it opened. 

     "Hey Jide! Mind letting me in?" 

     He had the most confused look on his face. JJ stuck his head out of the window and looked up at mine. 

     "Just get her off the stupid ledge before she falls!" Exclaimed Josh, panic in his eyes. 

     JJ grabbed me off of the window and placed me on his bed. "Why the hell were you on my window mate! How the hell did you even get down here!" 

     I shrugged Nonchalantly. "I jumped from the roof." 

     JJ shook his head. "How many times have I told you! No going on the roof! It's dangerous and you could fall off! not to mention jumping from it?!? That's a whole different situation that should have never happened!" He scolded. 

     I looked down shamefully "sorry Jide." 

     Josh came into the room and walked over to JJ. "I locked the window, But not like that will do anything." He looked at Josh then back at me. 

     "Since I've told you multiple times not to go in the room I'm boarding up your window." He declared. 

     "Just cause I'm the youngest in the house doesn't mean I'm a child." I muttered to myself hoping they wouldn't hear. 

     "Well you act like one!" Josh exclaimed, joining the conversation.

     I rolled my eyes mad that my day just turned to crap. 

     "Whatever. I'll just hang out with Simon it Vikk." 

     "Their both recording." 

     "Fine. Then I'll go outside." 

     "Not happening." 

     "Oh my gosh I can't do anything in this house!" 

     They both shook their heads in what I assume was disappointment. 

     "I'll be downstairs." 

     Standing up, I walked out of JJ's room and into kitchen. One drink won't hurt. I told myself before pouring me a glass of whatever kind of alcohol we had in the house. 1 glass turned into 2 which turned into 3. And by the end of that night I probably wouldn't remember anything.

Sorry for not updating a lot school has been really stressful lately and the holidays took up a lot of time. I'll try and update more as time goes on but for now enjoy this 1000 word long chapter.

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