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Artzy's POV
I was sick beyond belief. I felt like I couldn't do anything at all, and it finally made me realize why I was so tired yesterday. I had woken up at approximately 4am, something I did not want to happen. Vik had already gotten me medicine and other essentials.
Now here I was, sitting in a cold room, at 6:30am, alone. Yes I could have easily called JJ or Simon to stay with me, but I knew they were going to be busy. Everything just hurt, and as much as I wanted someone to be by my side, I wasn't going to disrupt their day. I checked my phone again to see it was now 7am. I knew none of the boys would be up until about 10, and I was really bored. Sleeping all day yesterday had really messed up my already weird sleep schedule. I sat up ignoring the massive headache I had. Turning around, I looked out of my window at the night sky that was soon to turn into morning. I grabbed a blanket and pushed up my window, just enough to fit through. I carefully pulled myself onto the roof with much more effort than I usually needed. I shut the window behind me to make sure my room wasn't cold when I came back. Wrapping the soft, patterned blanket around me, I watched the sun rise. The once dark blue sky was now a light orange that was fading to blue. It was like a short rainbow of colors displayed in the sky. I realized I hadn't posted much on any social media, so I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the sky.

@ArtzyPlayz: 7am Sunshine ☀️329Likes               164comments

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@ArtzyPlayz: 7am Sunshine ☀️
329Likes 164comments

I decided on a simple caption, one that didn't describe anything except what it was. I held the blanket tighter around me as the sickness finally set in. I wasn't sure why I was sitting outside when I didn't feel good but I resisted the urge to go inside. I used my powers to warm me up a good bit.
Just doing that one action got me thinking though,
"When was I ever going to tell Simon about this."
I mean we told each other everything at this point. I felt an invisible weight on my shoulders because I felt like I was betraying Simon. I felt like I couldn't make him trust me like I trusted him. But if I really trusted him that much wouldn't I have told him sooner?
I shook the thoughts out of my head as I heard someone climbing onto the roof. A familiar blond haired boy pulled himself up in front of me.
"So what were you doing just now?" He asked suspiciously.
I stumbled on my words finding a quick response in my head.
"I..um..I was just playing with Fire. You know how stupid I can be sometimes."
I laughed nervously, trying to make it more believable. He looked at me, tilting his head slightly.
"You know thats dangerous. Now hand over the lighter."
"Lighter?" I asked totally forgetting that to even make fire you needed a lighter.
"Yeah, come on give it up"
"I..i don't have a lighter, s..see." I said putting my hands up.
Simon looked at me unconvinced, but decided to drop it.
"Why are you even out here? Shouldn't you be sleeping or like recording or something?" I questioned before he could say anything.
"Well I couldn't sleep so I wanted to come visit you but you weren't in your room so I figured that you would be up here because your always up here." He rambled on.
I chucked to myself coughing in the process. For a moment I had forgotten how bad I felt and the whole reason I came up here.
"Are you ok?" Simon asked sliding slightly closer to me.
I nodded my head not wanting him to worry.
"I'm fine Si. Nothing to worry about. Let's go inside, JJ wouldn't be happy if he found us up here." I said.
He took his cool hand into my warm one and climbed back through my window helping me get down. I laid on the bed and Simon laid down beside me.
"Don't you have videos to record or something?" I mentioned, stating the obvious.
He sat up halfway, on his elbows, and looked at me.
"You really want me gone that bad don't you?"
I sat up quickly, which was a bad idea may I add, and shook my head.
"No no no, it's just I don't want to bother you because I know your already behind schedule because of me." I said, holding my head.
Simon just sat there for a moment or 2, ignoring my statement and not responding.
"Your sick aren't you?"
"No! Of course not, why would you think that?" I defended trying to cover it up.
"Because your only distant when your mad or your sick. And you never want me near you because you don't want to get me sick. Your also holding your head and you were coughing." Simon said sitting up all the way.
     I looked around the room avoiding contact, "what would you do if i was sick?"
      "First, I would make sure your ok,"
     Simon, smiled his sideways smile and turned towards me.
     "Then, I would make you lay down."
     He put his arms on either side of me, forcing me to lay back on the bed.
     "Finally, I would..."
     Simon paused and the smile on my face faltered as he looked at me. Suddenly his phone rang running the whole moment. He sat up and gave me an apologetic look. Simon picked up the phone and slowly walked out of my room leaving me sitting there alone. I didn't see him the rest of the day, in-fact i didn't see anyone the rest of the day (unless you count Vik coming to check on me every so often). I just sat in my room feeling sick.
     I did what you would normally do when your sick, I slept, watched Netflix, contemplated life, and ate like 1000 snacks. I checked my phone every couple hours just to see if anything was going on. I had already asked if anyone wanted to do anything and either everyone was busy, or they didn't respond.
Every minute that passed I felt worse. I felt as if I couldn't do anything and I would pass out at any moment. I cursed at the headache I had, and I wished for it to go away. I attempted to get up, which again was a bad idea, and fell beside my bed like an idiot. I sighed giving up deciding I was just going to stay there. I grabbed my phone and played on it for a while before eventually falling asleep.
~~Time Skip~~
    I woke up expecting to be on my bed because Simon always put me there whenever he came in. I frowned to myself and rubbed the back of my already sore neck. Grabbing my phone, i checked the time just to see that i had slept for almost 5 hours. Only then did I realize that I had a blanket on, meaning someone did come into my room. Ignoring my sickness, i frantically looked around for any note or card and i sighed when I found one on my dresser. I picked myself up and sat on the edge of the bed, reading the note.
Sorry I left you on the floor 🙃. I'm not strong enough to pick you up. I gave you a blanket so hopefully you weren't cold.
     I smiled to myself knowing Vik tried to help me. I sent a quick thank you text to him before I started thinking of what to do. I definitely felt better than before but it still hurt to do mostly anything. I checked the time to see that the sun would be setting In a couple hours. I thought suddenly popped into my head. I stood up and grabbed anything I felt like I needed. With a blanket, my charger, my phone, a towel, my keys and a destination, I got into my car and drove to somewhere I always felt safe.
      When I reached the beach, the sun still hadn't begun to set. I  grabbed everything I wanted and set it up on the beach.
~~Time Skip~~
      I wasn't sure how long I sat there I just know that the sky had turned into a red-ish Orange and a lot of thoughts were in my head.
      "How am I going to tell Simon?" I thought out loud.
      "Tell me what?"
      I turned around scared out of my life. The blonde haired boy was standing there with his arms crossed and a sideways smile. I took a deep breath to calm down my alarming heart rate and I turned around to face the sea.
      "It's nothing. I was just......never mind" I mumbled.
      "I can't read your mind beautiful. You just have to tell me what you want to tell me." He said sitting down beside me on the stripped towel.
      I sighed not sure what to do in the situation.
      "I came here to think about my problems not deal with them."
      "I'm a problem?"
Oh I said that out loud? I thought.
       I didn't respond to his question. I just tried to imagine he wasn't there. To imagine that I was alone and that I didn't have this secret that I had to keep. To bad I was taken out of my thoughts.
       "You can trust me, right? You can tell me anything I promise." His soft voice spoke.
      Simon put a hand on my back and rubbed circles. It was comforting but I wasn't sure how I felt in the moment.
       "I've been trying to tell you Simon, i promise I have. But i don't know how to. There's so much crap in my head that i don't think you understand because you don't know what I'm feeling or what I'm thinking, and it's really hard to try and tell you because it's a secret that I've been keeping for a long time because I'm afraid you'll hate me or you'll leave me, or even I'll just have to disappear, and I promise I do trust you, I do, but I'm just not sure how to explain things in the way that would make sense and in a way that wouldn't make you afraid of me." I rambled on.
      It felt like hours before he responded, and I could only imagine what Simon was thinking. I was afraid that I had said to much in one time and that he wouldn't understand what I was trying saying.
      "Why would I be afraid of you? Did you do something bad?" Simon asked, looking at me with his head tilted slightly to the left and eyes shining in the setting sun.
      "Uh...n..no. I..don't think I did anything bad. It's just, you probably won't like me......or Jide."
       "Did you and JJ do something you weren't supposed to?" He questioned.
       I could see the wheels turning in his head and I realized what he must have thought.
      "Oh wait! No no, we didn't do anything like that no! It's something completely different," my voice became softer ",it's just something we both have that we can't control."
      "Artzy babe, I can't read your mind you just have to tell me what your trying to tell me."
      I sighed and took a deep breath. Was I going to do it? Was I just going to run away again? I couldn't decide I couldn't pick, and I held my breath waiting for my brain to decide what was best for me.
       "Artzy ar.."
       "Ok I'll try and tell you but can you At least promise you'll try not to get mad? You'll try not to be afraid of me?" I interrupted.
       He didn't answer.
       I asked again, "Will you promise?"
       "I'll try." He responded finally.
       "So there's this thing that me and Jide both have. And I guess we both kind of call it our 'powers' when really I don't know what it is, he does."
      I looked over to see if he was still listening.
        "And you know I have this 'condition' where every time I get in very certain situations and I fall asleep, I can't remember things. Well that's a 'side effect' of my so called 'powers'. JJ has the power to make me wake up again. That's why we have always been so close. That's why he never leaves my side. My 'power' is that I can create fire out of thin air."
       I showed him what I meant while I continued talking.
      "This morning I wasn't playing with a lighter. I was just practicing because I'm still learning what I'm doing. I try not to set things on fire. I try not to burn myself. But it just happens sometimes. JJ teaches me things most of the time but he usually says  I have to 'figure it out myself'. And if I'm being honest I get so frustrated with this 'power' that I accidentally push everyone away. I try to keep myself from hurting people, so when you bullied me for forgetting things I just had to except that you didn't understand what I was going through and that you had never been through that. It hurt me a lot and most days i just wanted to run away. But if I ran away I would hurt somebody I didn't want to."
       I glanced at him again to see he had tears threatening to fall, but I had to ignore him and finish what i was saying.
       "Some days I had to keep bandages around my hands to stop myself from burning things, and if I'm being honest it was so frustrating that I just wanted to sleep and never wake up again. And some days when you bullied me I accidentally Burned myself because I hadn't realized how angry and sad I got, and how hot my hands had gotten. So when you started being nice to me, the burns on my arms stopped appearing so often and I felt happy enough to not have to wear the bandages anymore. JJ told me not to be with you because he thought I would hurt you. He didn't want me to get mad at you and accidentally hurt you. But the thing is, I could never get mad at you Simon. Sure I could get mildly frustrated and I would try and push you away, but it never got to the point where I could hurt you. And often times when you would wake up and I wasn't there it's because my hands were glowing orange and if you found out that I had this so called 'power' you would run away like I did and you would hate me. You would call me a freak like all the other kids did."
       Simon put his hand on mine and I took a glance at our intertwined fingers.
       "After I started to remember things again, I realized just how much people used to hate me for something i couldn't control and I thought that maybe you would be the same. but the more I'm around you and the more I see that you care, I realize you aren't like those other people and that you won't get mad at me. So Simon I really hope you live up to my expectations and that you won't hate me like everyone did all those years ago. And that you will still see me as someone who loves you."
     I finished and took a deep breath. I wasn't sure how he would respond. And my mind was telling me he wouldn't like me anymore, and that he would hate me, but I tried to ignore them.
      "I could never hate you" he said hugging me suddenly. "I could never hate you Artzy. I love you to much. I just wish you had told me sooner so I didn't treat you the way I did. I'm so sorry for everything I ever did to you" Simon apologized, hugging me tighter.
       "I love you Artzy."

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