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were to stay in this misery for longer.

wait for it to shatter like glass, wait for something to happen even if i do nothingㅡ which everyone does, which people choose to be blinded with, but oppose to the idea that nothing will happen.

sometimes, life doesn't hand out things to you in a silver spoon. continue living in regret, i thought to myself, indulging myself into the same old darkness that creeped onto all parts of my skinㅡ all parts of my existence. it didn't let me breathe.

i wasn't ready for life to change, i wasn't ready for anything and so, even if it hurt, it was comfort. it was what i was used to, even if the wine kept flowing and even if the flowers kept bloomingㅡ it was scary for it to all fade away.

my father was once a person i found comfort in, a person who'd part the strands away from my face, a person who'd tell me bedtime stories, a person who would tell me amazing stories of his life and inspire meㅡ share all of the stars in his eyes with me.

but soon, all the stars were lost and poured out, because of somethingㅡ someone,

i thought that the world would shatter before my eyes, but soon i knew that it already did. a very long time ago.

i've had an epiphanyㅡ and it was time to let this beast go.

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