I Won't Leave You Alone-Paul McCartney

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Age 12 and Age 15

James was your neighbor. You were twelve while Paul was fifteen. You were in your front yard sitting on your porch steps while you tried smoking a cigarette. You only did this to be like a real Teddy girl. As smoke escaped your mouth you coughed like crazy. You had inhaled it incorrectly.

Suddenly, you heard a door open and close shut. Paul had walked out of his house at the same time and widened his eyes in shock.

"Y/N L/N! What the hell are you doing?!?" You had immediately tried running away, dropping the cigarette. Your leather jacket was sliding off your arms as well but he chased you down and pulled on to your arm. You didn't expect for Paul to catch you. But in that moment, you didn't mind it that he had caught you. Getting Pauls attention was your main doings that you adored. You looked into his beautiful eyes you loved. It brought chills upon your self.

"Where's your mom?" He asked harshly.

You decided to answer truthfully. "She's at work you ass!" You yelled at him. He raised his arm looking as if he were ready to slap you. This shocked you with widened eyes. He put his arm down but held your arm.

"Take that leather jacket off!" He yelled at you. As stubborn as you are you disobeyed as your smirked. You loved it when he had a angry look. If I wasn't already obvious, you had a big crush on him. You always tried getting his attention however you wanted to get it.

He rolled his eyes and snatched it off of you and threw it on the porch steps.

"What are you gonna do to me, huh?" You asked flirtatiously.

He stitched his eyebrows and shoved you.

"Your insane. What if your father was here? You are only twelve! You shouldn't be behaving like that!" Paul yelled. You tried to be tough but you couldn't help but feel a little threatened.

"I'm only three years younger then you! I think I should be able to act however I would like to act!" You yelled back at him being the toughest side of you, that you could pull.

Paul shuts his eye lids and let's go of your arm and rubs his eyes in annoyance. He then slaps his arms by his sides.

"Whatever. Your too young to be acting that way." Suddenly he walks off your yard and walks down the street.

Him walking away without saying anything really bothered you.

"Paul!" You ran out to the street.

He turned around with tired eyes. You really weren't sure what to say to him. You really just called his name so he wouldn't leave.

You quickly thought of something to say. "Wh-where are you going?" You stuttered.

"None of your business." He said as he turned right back around and continued to walk away.

Once he was out of your sight you but your lip that quivered. Tears were poking out of your eyes but you didn't dare to let them get released. So instead you let a loud scream escape your mouth. You were frustrated. Why did you have to be younger then him? If maybe you were his age he probably would give you a chance. He just thinks you're a dumb kid. That's what you said to yourself in your mind. These thoughts temped you. They made you want to try even harder then before.

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