Chapter 9 : Scared and Confused

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  Lisa's POV

Hello? Jennie answered on the other line.

Jennie? Can we meet tonight? I asked happily. 😁
Waeyo? It's late. She replied.

It's still 6 pm Jennie. Are you mad at me ? What did i do ?
I ask in a soft tone... I'm bothered.

Ani. Why would i Lisa? Did you do something that i'll mad of? She replied . she sounds sarcastic 😞

Woah 😊 why does it sounds like youre using sarcasm on me Jennie ?
I said and act like laughing but deep inside , i am hurt. She's so cold 😞

Stop tryin' to be funny Lisa. It's annoying. She sounds really pissed.

Why so grumpy ? I asked sadly.

I'm not. Im just tired. -jennie

Can we meet tonight? I have a surprise for you.
I changed the topic and told her my plans.

Okay. Where? She asked . she seemed uninterested. Hmmm

I'll just send you the place baby, let's meet at 9 okay ?
I plainly said.

Okay bye. She replied ang hung up .

She ended the call without letting me respond. So i texted her .
I love you Jennie . Be safe 😘💕

Anyways, this is it !

I planned this for almost two weeks . i want everything to be PERFECT.

Tonight , i'm gonna ask her to be Officially mine. I can't wait for her YES .I'M SO EXCITED. AND CONFIDENT.

  It's 7:30 already. I'm done. I wore simple. Just a pants, jacket and white shoes since it's cold outside.
I went to our meeting place. This is it.

I saw Bambam and smiled at him. He help me prepared this. I checked everything to make sure . i won't ket anyone to ruin this night.

It's almost 8 when Jennie arrived. Why do she has to be so Pretty everytime ?
I run towards her while smiling but she just look at me.

Hey. 😁 i said smiling ang hug her.
Let's go. 😊

I held her hand and went to our table.

I guided her on her sit and called the waiter to serve our food.

What are you going to say Lisa ? She ask while looking at the foods.

Oh , later Yeoboooo, let's eat first. 😊

While we're eating. The musicians were playing sweet songs. This is so romantic , isn't it? Haha im talking to my self btw 😂

After we finished eating. I felt nervous. This is it. This is now or never.

Ah Jennie. Let's go. Im gonna show you something.

I offer my hand but she ignored it.
Okay. That was mean 😭

So , i wrapped my arm on her shoulder so that we can walk together.

Where are we going Lisa? Why is is too grassy in here and there's no one ?
She aked.

Relax Yeoboo. Trust me. Okay ?

I said and held her hand.
She didnt respond and we just continue walking.

After 5 minutes . we finally arrived.

OHMYGOD 😱 HOT AIR BALLON 😍😍 Jennie exclaimed and show her gummy smile.

I know you havent experience this on your childhood, so i want you to experience it with me.

She's speechlesa but she smiled.

Good evening Maam . im gonna be your guidw for tonight. Pls. Get in and feel relax.

The man said politely.

Jennie excitedly hop inside. Haha i followed her. She looks so Happy. And i felt contended upon seeing those smiles.

After we're done. We went back to the restaurant.

I left Jennie in the table and went to the center. I took my guitar and play a song for her.

She's just staring at me while im singing.

Why do i see sadness in her eyes? 😞

After i finished the song i went to her front.

Jennie, i am so happy that i met you and i am so thankful that i have given the chamce to do these things to you.

Seeing your smile is the only thing i want. But it would be extra special of i'll be the reason of those smiles. 😊😊

Jennie you are more than enpugh for me. Saranghae. Can you be mine ?

I ask and look at her to show my sincerity.

Minute had passed and she's still not answering.

Maybe she's overwhelmed hahaha

Jennie ? I called her attention.
Arent you gonna say something ? I teased her.


She looked down.

The moment she look down made me nervous.

I'm sorry lisa , but i can't.
She said without looking at me.

Hahahaha. It's a prank again huh ? Stop it Jennie. It isnt funny .
I laugh nervously. No .. Pleaase... Noo.. 😭

she said and look directly into my eyes.
I like you but it wasnt enough for me to commit Lisa.
She added firmly.

I stepped back. No. This is just a dream. I thought......

Was it still too early for this Jennie ? Im gonna give you time to think. I'm not rushing things anyway. Ehehe
I manage to smile.

Sorry lisa. That's all she said.

I thought you love me . my voice cracked.

Haha it's okay Jennie. It's my fault, i expected too much from your words . haha

Ahh excuse me, my tummy's aching. I need to go to the CR, don't wait for me. I'll let my driver to take you home. I smiled. I force to smile.

I turned my back on her and run to the CR. The moment i reached the CR, my tears fell down.

I'm such a fool.
Why did i Expect too much from her ? I should have known from the first timw that she's just playing around. 😭😭

I went to the convinience store and buy drinks.
I went to my house immediately.

I'm so broke that i just wanna get wasted right now. 😭😭

Jennie's POV.

Lisa did made my childhood dream tonight.

I was so happy while we're at the hot air balloon. She really prepared for it. We went back, she sang a song for me.

Im staring at her until she finished singing. I felt sad and confused. I'm afraid. I knew. I got a hint with what she's doing ra'now.

I got so nervous when she started walking to my direction.

And i was not wrong. She confessed and asked me to be her girlfriend.

I wasn't able to answer her question right away.

I know i like her but I'm afraid to commit. I'm afraid of everything.. 😞😞

I got hurt. My heart crashed as i saw Lisa's reaction while i turned her down.

I can see the pain in her eyes but she acts normal in front of me. I'm sorry Lisa.
This hurts me too but i can't do this.

Lisa's driver brought me home.

I went to my room. Our room.
Maybe she's not gonna come home tonight.

It's weird. I'm the one who turned her down but i felt like i was the one who's being rejected.

I dunno if i made the right decision. I hope that one day, i won't regret what I've done today.

I reminisce all the memories we've shared together.

I remember how Lisa can make me smile and blush in everything that she do.

And now, i am unconsciously crying. I'm sorry Lisa. I can't be brave as you are. 😭😭  

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