chapter 4

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the next morrning u awake to find Darryll gone!! you search the whole house. Hes nowhere to be found. you figure he went sight seeing, so u get on your laptop to check your meaasges. you have a video message, a video message from Darryl!! you click play...... "hey (Y/N)." the message starts. "it was great to fianly meet u in person. i have to go back home now. im sorry it couldnt work out. bye". "what?!?!" you say out loud. "what. no! this cant be happening. i thought he loved me. i thought he cared." you burst into tears. your crying so hystericaly that u dont even here you best friend AJ walk in."(y/n)!" AJ says droping the bags of groceries he brought for u. you toatly forgot he was bringing u food. "(y/n) what happened? whats wrong?" he askes pulling you up off the floor and sitting u on the couch. you sit there and sob into his blue tee-shirt for a good 5 minitues befor you can talk. "he......he never  cared" is all u can manage to get out. "who? who never cared (y/n)?" hes so worried hes shakeing as he wipes the tears from your cheek. you look into his deep big beautuiful brown eyes and then look away as more tears threaten to spill  "Daryl. Darryl never cared" you wimper into AJ's chest. AJ looks at you confused. "what happened tell me everything."..... you tell him everything, everything from when you 1st meet to lastnight. when your finished AJ thinks for a minitue then grabs your wrist. "come with me" he says draging u out of the house. "where are we going?" you ask confused. "we are going to the drug store to get  u the morrning after pill."  he  awencers you as he opens the passanger door to his blue car. you get in. when he gets in the driver seat you start talking again. "you know you dont need to do this i can take myself to get the pill and i took my pill yesterday." you say as friendly as possiable. "i dont care!" AJ snips at you. you jump, he never snips at you never. he looks at the wheel "im sorry for yelling. but im makeing sure you are taken care of, im makeing sure you get what you need." you sit back in your seat and reast your head. as the two of you drive in silance the only sound the faint raido. when you reach th local drug store you both go inside. "i hear this brand works best." AJ says picking up a box. he takes the box to the check out. the clerk looks confused, but dosent ask. $5.00 even. you gget out you wallett to pay, but by time u get the 5 out he already has the box annd is walking out the door. "are you comeing, or are you staying at the drug store all day?" aj asks holding the door for you. you walk to the car. once you are both in the car you look at him. "AJ, thank you, but you know you dont have to do any of this. i was stupid, you have nothing to do with this." he looks back at you "(y/n) your my best friend. we tell eachouther everything. he hurt you he hurt me, hes lucky i didnt cetch his motherfucking ass." you had never realized quite how long you and AJ have been friends. you meet AJ the  same way you meet Darryll. on the internet.. when you meet he lived in Australia. he moved to the us for personal reasons... you never asked why.  you get back to your house. AJ gets you a glass of water and hands you a pill."take it!" he demands nicely. you take the pill.


                                                       (OMG PLOT TWIST!!!!)

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