Chapter 10

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So. I'm sorry for taking so long to update. Also, I have two story ideas (bad idea, I can't even keep up with current stories), are there any ships you guys would like to see? It doesn't have to be BNHA, it could be something else!

Todoroki's POV

Every once in a while there is a ball type thing to signify peace. This year the vampires are hosting it. Vampires and demons of any class can come but only noble humans or blood servants are allowed for humans, for the safety of the humans of course.

I don't know why we're having it now of all times, considering what happened against the demons. Izuku will be attending of course, so that is one thing to look forward to.

"Wait, we're having a ball? Why? Why am I attending?" Izuku asked a bit frantically. "Well, it's a ball for demons, humans, and vampires to represent peace. You're my partner so of course you're attending." I said like it was common knowledge.

Izuku visibly gulped. "B-but what about King Bak-" I cut him off. "No demon nor vampire will be able to touch you. Guards will be surrounding the place." I said simply.

He nodded slightly. It was nearly daytime already. I sighed and looked out the window, the sunlight barely shining but not enough to hurt me.

I drew the curtains closed and changed into just night pants before crawling in bed after turning off the light. Izuku curled up to me and we cuddled for a while, both eventually falling asleep.

Kirishima's POV

After I convinced Katsuki to stop trying to get Izuku, we got in bed and cuddled for a while. Bakugo looked at me. "So, tomorrow there is a ball at the vampire's kingdom. I must attend, but would you like to join?" He asked and messed with my hair.

I looked at him. "I mean sure. I could just pose as your knight I guess." I said with a shrug. He nodded. "I hate that you have to pose as my knight. I'll tell everyone about you soon. What are they going to do? I'm the king!" He said as I chuckled softly.

"Alright. Well let's get some sleep. We'll have to get up early to pack, then we'll head out afterwards." He said softly and I nodded. I got up and shut off the light before getting and bed and cuddling up to Katsuki. "Good night, Katsuki." I said to which he grunted. We fell asleep peacefully.

Todoroki's POV

I woke up early the following morning. Although I'm not king, I help and do more than my father does because he's a lazy sack of shi- because he is busy with other things.

I carefully got out of bed and took a shower. Afterwards, I got dressed in one of my suits. A white suit with a red tie as well as black dress shoes. I got a dark green suit tailored for Izuku as well.

He helped the servants and workers with preparing the ball. He helped with decorations, cooking, cleaning, assigning nobles rooms in the castle, to the ones who were staying.

After he was done helping, he went to the room and woke Izuku up. "Hmm?" He asked in his half awake state. "It's time to get up." I said softly and pet his hair. He nodded and sat up.

"Why are you dressed so fa- oh yeah, the ball is today. Do I have anything to wear?" He asked softly. I nodded and said, "Yeah, I got you a suit tailored." "I'm going to shower." He said as he got up.

I nodded and gave him his suit. He walked into the bathroom and I straightened up my suit. I had to look my best. It was about an hour until the ball would start. Guests who were staying the night had already started to show to get their rooms.

I hoped nothing would go wrong. The ball was supposed to signify peace, so it should, right? I sighed and fixed my tie. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a plate of food for Izuku.

When I got back to the room he was sitting on the bed, struggling to tie his tie. I set the food on the bedside table with a chuckle. He blushed and looked up at me. I leaned down and tied his tie.

"I got you food, since you just woke up." I said softly and he nodded, sitting by the food and starting to eat. "You can do whatever for the next 45 minutes. Go to the library or anything. I have to go greet guests and help worker." I said and watched him.

He nodded and got up, hugging me gently. "Let's hope things go good..." He said softly and let go of me. I nodded and walked out of the room. I went to the door and helped the servants with guests arriving.

Soon an hour passed and everybody had arrived. My father finally arrived. He made his peace speech. It was a bunch of bull. He was a liar. It was funny though. Bakugo had to stand beside my father and All Migbt and he looked tiny.

My father's speech was just lies from him. Stuff about how wishes to bring peace among kingdoms and better the vampire empire. Bullshit coming from him. His only goal is to crush All Might.

After his speech, the music started and everybody was allowed to socialize, eat, and dance. I normally stood against the wall but I was looking for Izuku. I found him and smiled. He looked so handsome in his suit.

He smiled and waved at me. "This is the ball. It's over the top and a lie but it's alright." I said as I stood in front of me. "I could tell, with that speech." He said softly. I nodded a little. A female in an exposing dress walked over to me. A common occurrence.

They always tried to get me to find interest in them for my money and for royalty. Little do they know, I'm gay as hell. I kindly rejected her after her obvious attempts of flirting didn't work.

I turned back to Izuku and he looked a little angry at the female but shook it off. Izuku and I made conversation for a while. "Izuku!" I heard an excited voice shout.

Midoriya's POV

I turned my head when I heard a voice shout my name. It was that red headed kid that Bakugo had taken when he was about to be taken. He walked to me with a large, sharp smile.

Wait, sharp? I examined his features. Small scar on the eye, shark like teeth. Definitely him. "Kiri?.." I asked with a small amount of hesitation. He nodded and hugged me. I hugged him back before we let go.

Shouto looked slightly off to the side, looking jealous. "What happened to your hair? It's red!" I said, confused. "Oh, that's why you didn't notice me.i forgot you weren't really allowed to come see me after a while. I started dying my hair red around 14." He said with a smile.

Oh, that makes a lot more sense. "I'm glad I get to see you!" I said with a smile. We continued to talk for a while before he ran off to Bakugo. I turned to the jealous looking Shouto and giggled a little bit. I grabbed his hand. "Wanna dance?" I asked with a soft blush.

He nodded and led me to the more dance floor-ish area. We dance with each other with a smile on both of our faces when a loud explosion was heard and screams were heard. I turned towards the sound and saw people jumping in a hole blown in the wall. A light blue haired male, a blonde girl, a black and purple void thing, and a male with black hair and purple scar like things in the front. There were other less recognizable people behind them.

They were all well known villains. Shigaraki, Toga, Kurogiri, and in the front, Dabi. Todoroki's eyes widened as he muttered, "Touya."

Word count: 1370

Wow, finally a chapter and more angst!!! It's 5:30am and I haven't slept but I wanted a chapter finally out. Happy new years guys!!!

         ~ sm0l BEāN

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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