Chapter 10~ Purple💜

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AN: Well what a lovely chapter! 😇
Flashbacks are in italic
TW: Suicide, self-harm, torture, homophobia, swearing, mention of abusive relationships.

Keith POV

-I'm sorry, Keith.

Why does the universe hate me?
First Shiro... And now Lance.

-I'm sorry, samurai. I can't live here all by myself and... my family needs me.

He pulls me close and hugs me. I don't say a word.


-Do you really have to go?

We are now at the airport. In a few minutes, Lance has to check in for his flight...

-You know I have to go, babe.
-But you can stay and live with me and Adam...
-I really wanted to stay... But I can't leave my family alone. And don't worry. I will call you at least twice a day and maybe even visit if I can.
-And what about the Garrison? You got in. You finally enter the school of your dreams and now you have to go away?
-I will have other opportunities. Don't worry about it.
-Hey, Lance? We have to go now, hijo. Say your goodbyes- Mr. McClain announced.

Lance kisses me. We never kiss in public because I don't like PDA put fuck it! This could be the last time I kiss him for all I know... I give in. It's a soft kiss, nothing too much because his dad is staring at us for god's sake! But it still feels amazing. Like every other kiss this boy has given me. Just like his first...

-I love you, Keith. Never forget that.


Lance POV

We landed safely in the country I once called home.
We left the airport as fast as we could to try to find Madre. It was not easy because we had two young kids that were screaming they wanted their mommy with us. Veronica (my older sister) was trying to calm them down.

-Father, I'm going to text Carlos to tell him that we arrived safely.
-Okay, hijo. I'm going to try help Veronica calm down the kids. Or at least get them to scream in Spanish.

And then... I saw him... I would recognize that white hair anywhere.

-Padre, he is here.
-Hija, toma a los niños y huye. Ahora.

My sister grabbed the kids and suddenly they went silent. She ran to the inside of the airport as fast as she could.

-Hello traitors... How is America?
-Give us Madre back, Luis! -I order him, feeling the adrenaline already flowing through my veins.
-Max, same old Max... You perfectly know my real name. No need for the formality. You can call me Lotor.
-You don't have the right to call me that! My name is Lance.

I now feel my blood burning up. My family's blood runs through my veins. I know I can't forget where I came from. But I can fight it until I die. I must. To protect my family. To protect Madre. To protect Keith.

-I know that Zarkon is dead. We had nothing to do with it. And we are not interested in the throne. Why do you need us?- My father asks, already clenching his fists, ready to fight.
-You know the tradition... As long as you mister Diego, Keith, Alex and Jonh are alive... I can't take the throne... There are some strings that aren't cut yet...
-And they will stay like that! - I scream, fearing Keith's death.- We want nothing to do with you and your kind! I didn't go to Galran Academy for a reason!
-Well, I would love to stay here and chat but we have some people to murder. So if you don't come with me the easy way, which I know you won't... I'm guessing we will have to do some fighting...

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