Chapter 3

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The hunters mansion

"Sweetie are you up?" Mr Peter Hunter asked but he got no reply, so he let himself in her room.

"Sweetie" He called again when he saw that the room was empty. A loud noise was heard of something falling on the ground and he moved his head towards it.

"Ughh.. in here daddy" she answered back. He let a small chuckle and moved towards her massive closet. He notice a suitcase on the floor and realised what was the sound he heard earlier, not that he didn't figure it out already. 

"Why you didn't call me for help?" he asked still chuckling.

"Its okay daddy, I can handle it" she said smiling and went over to hug her dad.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, in a couple of minutes I will be done, I have already made my list of what I will be needing. Can you call Ron and tell him to have my car ready please?" she asked politely

"Already did sweety" he said with a smirk on his face. He loved that his daughter was so organised, at least one of his kids is. He can die peacefully knowing he left her behind to keep the business running and protecting the world and humans from any harm.

"I love you daddy, you know that?"

"I do sweetie, and I love you very much as well. Be safe and don't cause troubles and most importantly don't challenge Alpha Damien, when need him as an ally"

"Okay, daddy I promise" she reply back smiling to her worried dad.

And with that they hugged again and he left to continue his day.

"Sam is coming with me, so call off your men" she yelled before he excited her room.

"I am glad" he said in return. At least now his mind will be at ease, Sam is an exceptional fighter and he can back up his daughter in case of a fight. No more hunters are needed, he thought before calling someone.

Semeli packed her stuff and bit her goodbye to her dad. The drive to the airport was quite. Sam will meet her there and this calmed her nerves a bit.

[ ]

After five hours in the plane she was happy she could stretch her legs and let the fresh air calm her nerves down.

"Ready?" she heard Sam behind her

"Let's get this over with" she reply back with no emotions

"Thats my girl" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Who will come to pick us up?" Sam asked

"I dont know, a pack member I guess" she shrugged of her shoulders.

And with that a very muscular and tall guy approached them. He had black hair and brown eyes and his face was like a stone. Looking at Semeli, Sam notice that she already wore her business face. One with no emotions at all, cold as ice. No one messes with this girl, he thought to himself before he turns to face the same guy Semeli was staring.

"Mr Hunter I assume" He focused his gaze on Sam and completely ignored Semeli. This is not something new to Semeli or Sam. Everybody assumed she is a bimbo before she puts them in their place.

"You assumed wrong. I am miss hunter and this is my fiancé" she spoke staring coldly at the man in front of her. He was confused to say the least but he masked it pretty fast.

"My apolo-." he tried to say but Semeli cut him off.

"We don't have time for this, we have some business to discuss with you alpha so lets move it"

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