Tagged challenge

30 0 2

1. Do I have a crush? No not really, but I do have a girlfriend

2. What's my middle name: Kay

3. What's my height? I'm about 5'3

4. What's my eye color? Brown

5. When's the last time I cried? Last night, because my cousin was being an arsehole and was messing with my stuff, so when they left I cried

6.  Biggest fear? I don't like spiders, I'm afraid of losing my loved ones, oh! And I'm claustrophobic so I hate small spaces

7. Last song I listened to I believe was either "I think I'm in love" by Kat Dahlia or "Perfect two" by Auburn

8. Last person I texted was my girlfriend Rawan

9. Favorite app? YouTube, wattpad, tumblr or instagram

For this challenge I'm tagging:




That's all for now my little pokemon, enjoy!

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