I'm not sure why I'm posting rn😑

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Heyo everybody, its currently 9:12 pm where I live and I'm tired as fuck.

Why am I posting? No clue tbh

Also, I'm never coming out of the closet...

I'm coming out of the cabinet, cuz that's where the pans are XD

Anyway, I want to mention that I plan on coming out to my parents soon...

I'm only gonna come out as pansexual for now, since I'm scared as shit to do it.

I also kinda want to cone out as genderfluid as well, mainly Bc that would give me a chance of getting a binder for Christmas. (I binder is used to make your chest look flatter)

I'm still not sure. I'm also scared of my parents thinking its a "phase" even though its not.

Also, quick question: Should I turn this book into a diary like thing that talks about what's happening or what to do in situations kinda thing?

I've been reading a lot of story's like that, and I really enjoy them.

So tell me what you think, and give suggestions for things you would like to see, or things you want advise on.


-Victoria out


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