Hey. Bitch

24 0 0

So Gay. *Hey

I'm Queer. Sorry *Here

So moving on.

I've realized I'm non-binary.

And would look damn good with short hair.

I've been staring in the mirror for so long doing random shit with my hair.

And the longer I stare the more I just want to cut it off right then and there.

That sounded like a poem what the fuck.

I'm really tempted to talk to my mom about getting a hair cut but I just came out to her and it's a lot to handle so idk.

I might just take a picture of my hair shorter and send it to her to see what she thinks.

Also someone dm'd me last night saying my sexuality is just a phase.

And you know what I say to that?

Just a phase? We'll see how that pans out.

Ok Bi



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