Chapter 3 - Home

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Hey this is a filler. This is (kinda of) boring, so you can skip this if you want.

*Kaminari POV*
"Yeah sure thing." I was the last thing I said before  my parents called me over and said we have to leave. I waved at the members of the BakuSquad. Bakugou was already out the door and probably walking to his house and I guess Kirishima went with him too. Kirishima seemed to be the only one to be close with Bakugou. But Sero and Mina were still here though. I told them I was leaving. Mina brought me into a tight hug with one arm and then after a few seconds she pulled Sero into the hug too. My face ended up being up a couple inches away from Sero's. We kinda just blushed at each other before Mina pulled away.

Mina left with Sero and I left with my parents.

Kaminari's House
It was around 10:30 when we got back to our new home. Despite the time, my parents decided to interrogate me even further. So, I explained everything about choosing to go on a nature trail and falling off the bridge. I skipped the part where Sero carried me to the ambulance. After the brief explanations of everything, they were satisfied and dismissed me off to bed.

Kaminari's Bedroom
I walked into my room. It was crowded with unopened boxes, but I had my bed set up. But, despite the mess, I was a relatively clean person. I moved through my crowded room and flopped onto my bed. I thought about how he held me in his arms. Ugh, I was thinking too much. I closed my eyes as sleep engulfed me.

*Sero POV*
Gosh, that was embarrassing. Wow, Sero. You managed to blush at him before you even introduced yourself. What does he think of me? Oh god, hopefully it's not bad.

I was overthinking this while I was walking out of the hospital with Mina. Mina noticed and she stopped.

"Whatcha thinking about?" She put her hands on hips, obviously looking for an answer.

Ashido caught me off guard. It was normal, for everyone in our little party. Whenever anyone was pondering about something, she would always ask. Most of the time, she would get what she wants to hear before returning what we were doing. Anyway, I wasn't expecting an question to answer. I took a couple moments to think while Mina was staring at me with curious eyes.

"Well, I guess it's everything that happened today," I said thoughtfully, "When I heard a loud crash behind me then, saw the broken handrail. I don't know, I just acted on instinct. I saw Kaminari laying there and went to pick him up..." I put my hand on the back of neck before continuing. "I just don't know. I didn't realize what I was doing until he became conscious. I managed to blush at him before mentioning my name. And you said he noticed..." My voice kinda faded.

Mina spoke up again. "Well, don't think too much about it. Plus you can see him again tomorrow, and can apologize to him if you want."

"Thanks, Mina."

"Your welcome. That's what friends are for." She raised her hand for a fist bump and I granted her wish.

We walked out of the hospital finally. A slight breeze moved my bangs to my eyes. I quickly pushed them away as we walked in the general direction of our houses. Surprisingly, Bakugou and Kirishima were still here. Both guys were leaning against the wall scrolling through social media or something like that. Kirishima looked up and nudged Bakugou. He got on both of his feet before walking up to us.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Kirishima asked.

"We talked. Anyway, why are you and Bakugou still here?" Sero asked.

He looked over at Bakugou and he spoke up for once in a while. "Staying with Dumb Hair for a couple of days."

"Oh okay," Mina said, "Well, don't forget about thing about Kaminari at 12."

The squad gave her their acknowledgment and gave their goodbyes. The two pairs went in opposite directions as they walked to their house.

Sero's House
Mina walked off in a different direction after her reminder about the tour.

I finally got to my house. It was a decent sized house along with the rest of them. I unlocked the front door and went inside. It was quiet but, peaceful as I made my way upstairs. I hopped onto my bed before pulling a thin blanket over my body. I allowed myself to stare at the night sky through my bedroom window before closing my eyes.

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