The beginning.

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Laurana's P.O.V:


Pain is the only thing we can remember. Who is we you ask? Me and my sister Valeria Strange. No not Strange as in Doctor Stephen Strange, just an insult our "family" used to hurt us. I've been here for 16 years, my sister 14 years. Here is Hydra. We live here as long as we can remember. We have been experimented on as long as I can recall. Me worse then my sister. We have giant angel wings on our back and different powers. I wield shadows and the elemental powers (earth, water, fire, air, metal). My sister wields light and the powers of a dream demon. I can also use mind control and mind manipulative powers along with mind reading ability. My sister the power of love. We are horrified of our looks and have horrible nicknames. My nickname is: Shadow Fire. My sister's Monstrous Demon. Hydra tortured us when we disobeyed them. And it hurts like hell. We thought we were lost and helpless. Until one day...

Wanda's P.O.V:

We arrive at the Hydra base Tony found with JARVIS. I'm worried what we can find in there. Me and Pietro were not the only children who were experimented on. Pietro died during the battle between Ultron and us: the Avengers. Me and Natasha sneak our way inside while the boys distract Hydra outside. We run through the dungeons until I feel a disturbance through my magic. I gasp already recognizing that kind of magic. Natasha stops and looks at me and asks: "Are you okay Wanda?" "Yes I found a victim I know personally." I say turning to one door and look inside. We call the boys saying we found the ones we've been looking for. They come not long after. I open the door and gasp out of shock. In the corner of the room we see two girls looking horrified at us. The biggest one of the two stands protectively in front of the smaller one. "If you're here to  torture us Maximoff you can leave us alone. We don't want to join Hydra no matter what you do." she seethes angry. "Eh... what's she talking about Wanda?" Tony asks confused. "She tortured us to make us join Hydra." the smaller one says afraid. I let my head fall so I look at the ground. The bigger one stand in confusion and asks startled: "Wait you're not Hydra?" "No we are the Avengers. And we come to rescue you two." Steve says calm. "Hey how did you get those huge wings?" Tony asks curiously. I look at Tony angry. The bigger one lowers her head and mutters: "Hydra did this to us. They experimented on us ever since we can remember things." "It hurts." the smaller one says. Natasha slowly walks towards them. The bigger one walks away from her. "We're not here to hurt you, I promise you. We are here to help." She says. "But what about the tall guy in the metal suit?" the smaller one asks. "I would never." Tony whines offended. "Baby." the bigger one mutters. Everyone except Tony laugh loudly. After we left the building they told us everything that happened to them in the past. They were called Valeria and Laurana. Laurana was told she is 16 years and Valeria 14 years old. We all feel really bad for them. Laurana looks around warily. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing. Just the feeling we are being watched, that's all." she says. I nod. When we arrive at Avengers Tower the girls look around in awe. We bring them to the living room to ask a few questions. "Okay girls. We are going to ask a few questions. Is that okay?" I ask. They nod. "Alright what did they do with you two while you're not in your cell?" Tony asks. "Well other then torturing us they experimented on us. Causing us to have these wings and extraordinary powers. I control the shadows and the elemental powers: Earth, water, fire, air and metal. I can manipulate, control and read the mind. My sister controls Light and dream demon powers, but also the power of love. that's pretty much it." Laurana explains. "Do you remember anything of your parents?"  Natasha asks. They both shake their heads. "What were your purposes there?" Steve asks. "To become weapons of Hydra." Laurana states bluntly. "Do you hate it there?"I ask. "With our lives." they say as one.

Laurana's P.O.V:

The questions were boring and annoying me dearly. I have the nasty feeling I'm being watched ever since we left Hydra. When they were done asking questions I asked if I could go to a room to sleep. I am exhausted. When I am in the room Tony gave me I use my magic to change my clothes into pyjamas and fall asleep very quickly. In my dreams:

I look around and see a huge golden building. I begin to walk towards it. But once I move my feet I am immediately in another place. I look around only to see I'm in someones room. I feel someones watching me. "Who goes there? What do you want from me?" I ask totally uneasy with the situation. I feel a hand on my shoulder and snap my head towards my side. I see a tall man looking at me with emerald eyes. "Who are you?" I ask careful. He chuckles softly before saying: "I am Loki, of Asgard." I nod and look around again. "And I can guess this is your room?" I ask looking at him again. He nods softly. "What do you want from me?" I ask. "I just wanted to speak with you." He says with a calm tone. "About what if I am allowed to ask?" I ask confused with the situation. "About how you gained those wings." He states. I look down not wanting to look him in the eyes. "That is something I do not wish to talk about. That story has a deep burning scar in my mind. And I would appreciate it if you'd stop looking into my mind." I say looking at him. He looks surprised at me and I grin while saying: "I am full of surprises."  My grin falters when I look at my hands. I sigh softly. I feel his hands around my waist as he pulls me in a embrace. I look him in the eyes with utter shock and look away. "I've been... tortured." I mutter. "What?" He asks careful. I can sense he is angry at some point. "I've been tortured for my whole life by some people who thought it was funny to experiment on children. They used a lot of serums that gave me and my sister our powers and our wings. As you might have guessed I can read minds. But I can also manipulate and control the mind. I can control the shadows and the elemental powers: Air, water, earth, fire and metal. My sister can control light, the powers of a dream demon and the power of love. The people insulted us for years. The Avengers saved us today, but I'm not sure I could trust them. And I'm scared. Scared they are just like them." I explain tears falling from my cheeks. I feel him turn me and places my head on his shoulders and let me cry. I bury my head in his chest. When I stop crying I look at him with a confused look. He just gives me a smile. He places his hands on my cheeks and slowly places his lips on mine. I close my eyes and place my arms around his neck. I blush when he places his arms around my waist again to push me closer. I feel his tongue asking for an entrance and I give him just that. I moan softly when his tongue plays with mine. When he pulls away he whispers something in my ear: "Don't forget about me okay." I nod. "Never." I whisper back.

I wake up with a gasp. I still remember my dream and Loki. I blush when I think of Loki. I step out of the bed and walk towards the desk, take out a piece of paper and a pencil. I start to draw Loki to remember him, I draw how he held me, his arms around my waist, his head in my neck. When it's done I give it color. When I'm finished with the drawing I hang it on the wall  next to my bed, so I can look at it before I go to sleep. "JARVIS where are the Avengers?" I ask picking out clothing. "They are in the dining room together with your sister miss." the arc says. "Thanks pal." I say stepping out of my room. I walk into the dining room and they look up at me. "Hi guys what's up?" I ask. They look very uneasy. "What's wrong?" I ask turning scared. "Sister um... We found something you should know." Valeria says.

And this was only the beginning...

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