The truth.

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Laurana's P.O.V:

I jump out of bed and put on my armor I usually kept hidden from my sister.

I jump out of bed and put on my armor I usually kept hidden from my sister

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I open my door and gasp. Cause right in front of me is the one person who caused my pain. Red Skull. "What do you want Filthy German!" I seethe. "Ve came to compliment your arrival in this place." He spat grinning wickedly. My eyes go wide when he pulled out a unconscious...Thor? "What did you do?!" I yell in anger and fear. Out of the sudden I collapse on the floor.

When I open my eyes I see that I am in a place I knew all to well: Asgard. I sit up but groan in agony. I see a woman walking towards me. "I see the prince has good taste with choosing a girl." She chuckles. "Eir what happened?" I ask groaning in agony again. "Prince Loki teleported you here after you were shot down by a... gun you call it? He has been watching you for three years after all."  Eir explained. My eyes go wide in shock, but quickly turned into a blush. "Talk about creep much." I mutter softly to myself. "I hope Odin will not be go mad." I chuckle. "He was the one who told Prince Loki you were in danger my dear." she explained chuckling. "Wait... what? Odin told Loki? Okay I am super duper confused. Am I dead?" I ask utterly confused. Eir just laughed a little and says giggling: "No I assure you, you are not dead. Odin thought it was the best he could do for all your pain and loss." "Oh." I say looking down. "Wait. Where is Thor?! Please do NOT tell me Hydra caught him!" I suddenly yell. "No dear, Thor is next to your bed, though  he still is unconscious." Eir explains pointing at Thor. I sigh softly and think back to what I said to him when I first saw him before this happened. I hear footsteps coming towards us and turn around. My body stiffens when I see Odin walking towards us. But I quickly relax at the thought that he saved me. "Laurana. I see my son has saved you just in time." He says with a gentle smile. "Yes I am relieved that you told him I was in trouble." I say with a small smile. He nods and leaves with Eir. I lie down softly, not wanting to cause more pain. I hear footsteps coming my way, these a little softer then the ones of Odin. I look up and see Loki with a smile. "Loki I am pleased to see you in person. And I thank you for saving my life." I say with a smile. He chuckles and says: "I am just happy I was in time." I look down slowly and say: "You probably want to know who that was? The one who shot me."  "Yes. Only if you feel comfortable with telling me." He says softly. When he sits down next to me he places an arm around my waist. "That was the one who tortured me through my sister." I begin my story. I feel his grip tighten slightly. "That was Red Skull; the one who found me in the orphanage. He is from Hydra: a group who experiment on everything. Even children, he used serums to take control over my sisters mind. And whenever I refused something he'd use her against me, make her fight me without remembering it herself." I finish my story. I realized I was looking down when I feel a finger underneath my chin, making me look in Loki's eyes. He looked worried and... loving. He softly place his lips on mine. I carefully place my arms around his neck. I smile against his lips, finally tasting him in reality. I feel his tongue begging for an entrance. And I answer by letting him in and moan softly. I feel a hand behind my neck that pulls me closer to his lips. I feel my chest being pushed against his as he deepens the kiss even more. When we pull away we breathe heavily. I bite my lip and blush darkly. He looks down and I can sense something is wrong. "L-Loki what's wrong?" I ask careful. "Your going back to Midgard when you're fully healed." He says softly. My eyes widen in utter shock. But I smile softly and say softly: "But you can always enter my dreams if you want. And I'll always remember you no matter where you might live." He looks me hopeful in the eyes and smiles warmly. He pulls me into another kiss, but this one was more lustful then the other. He pulls away after a few minutes and grins seductively and moans into my ear: "I do hope I can feel you more often in your dirty dreams." I blush furiously and giggle girlish. "Sure you will you big baby. Just visit my dreams every night, please?" I ask shyly. "Always." he says standing up. I look at my wings for the first time in years. I sigh softly when I see Loki leave.

"See you in my dreams love." I mutter to myself.

Two days later I am fully healed and ready to go. Loki has visited every single day. His mother Frigga has visited too just to talk a little and gossip a little over her sons. I would always giggle at the news I hear about Thor teasing Loki about him having a crush on me. But now it was time to go back home. I say goodbye to everyone, especially Loki. Heimdall uses the Bifrost  to send me back to Stark Tower where I am immediately being crushed by the Avengers and Thor and my sister. "Can't... breathe." I gasp. They immediately let me go and bombard me with questions. I laugh loudly and say: "All I wish for is to stay here until I am 18 years old then me and Valeria will leave and live on our own." "Hey I can give you a place where you can live. Where do you wish to stay when you leave?" Tony asks. "In the Netherlands please." I answer. He nods and we all walk inside.

This was going to be tough living without the love of my life...

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