I love Steve Rogers!

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Warning later in this chapter is going to have smut in it, so be warned people!

Laurana's P.O.V:

It's been two months and she still isn't back. I'm starting to get worried. I've tried calling her, but she never answered. And I'm freaking out because I tried to tell her I am pregnant. PREGNANT people! I've known since a few weeks ago. Loki was really excited to hear I am carrying his kin, so am I but... I can't seem to get my sister out of my mind. "I'm gonna call Stark." I mutter annoyed. "Don't worry Love she's fine, I doubt  she would get into any trouble." Loki says reassuring. I peck him on the lips shortly and pick up my phone and call Tony. "This is Tony." He answers. "Tony where is Valeria?" I demand. ".... Captured." Tony answers slowly. "WHAT! And you didn't tell me this sooner! Who took her?" I scream, now really freaking out. "Ultron. And he wants you." Tony says softly. "When did that ass whole took my sister!?" I hiss. "A month ago. We just didn't want you to worry, now that you are with Reindeer Games." He mutters. "And how long have you known?" I seethe. "Since Ultron captured Valeria." He answers softly. "Where is he?" I ask calming down. "We don't know. That's why we didn't tell you. Capsicle is devastated too you know, he has a crush on her." He mutters. I giggle softly and say: "Took him long enough to ask her." "How do you know?" Tony asks confused. "Valeria isn't the only one who can enter a dream you know." I say with a grin. "Anyway me and Loki are coming to New York ASAP and we are going to find Ultron or you'll be the ones paying for his crimes." "Sure thing Laurana." he answers nervous. I giggle and cut off the call. "Okay Loki. We are going to New York. And you'll have to blend in with me, okay?" I ask. "Anything for you Love." He mutters into my neck. He places his hand around my waist as we move to my jet garage. I take out my fastest jet and we walk inside. Loki suddenly kisses my neck softly and whispers: "Don't worry Love. She is the strongest girl we know, she'll be okay." I nod slowly. A few minutes later we arrive at Avengers Tower and I storm out towards the lab where I find Tony. "Now where is the ass whole and when can I kill him?" I hiss. Tony's head snaps towards me in shock and turns pale when he sees Loki. "Yeah, yeah it's him Tony. But that's not important right now. You are going to make up for your mistakes." I hiss. "We found his location." Bruce says calm. "Where is he?" I ask. "Hungary. But I'm not so sure you should go." He answers. "And why not?" I ask defensive. "Because you are 1) pregnant and 2) the actual victim here." He says calm. I groan annoyed. "I want his head on a silver plait okay?" I ask darkly. They nod slowly. I walk outside of the lab and walk towards the library. I hear something metal move behind me and quickly turn around only to see a robot standing a few feet away from me. "Who..." I start but stop when I realize something and widen my eyes. "Ultron." I growl angry. "You are correct. I am. And now you are coming with me." He says abrupt. "Not a chance." I spat. "I am not going with you, I'm no idiot." "I don't want to hurt you." He says. "And why not?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "You are with a child, so it would be low to hurt you when you are vulnerable." He states. "I'm. Not. Going. With. You." I state slowly. "Then we do it the hard way." He says. He picks me up and walks away. "Oh no, we are not going through this shit. Put me down!" I protest. But he doesn't and I start to scream Loki's name. But it was no use. After a few hours he pushes me roughly onto the ground. "Ow!" I grunt. I look around me and see that we have arrived in Hungary. "Now why do you want me exactly?" I ask. "I never told you why we are here." He answers. "Exactly." I mutter. He walks slowly towards me and says: "I am going to test your power. To see if you are as powerful as legends say you are." I stand up and ask: "Where is my sister?" "Back to where she should have stayed." He states. My eyes widen in fear and I mutter: "Hydra." I look up to Ultron in a menacing manner and yell: "You should never have given her to those monsters, cause without her I'm not cooperating!" "Perhaps, yet you fear what I could do with her." He says slowly. "I. Do. Not. Fear. You." I say gritting my teeth. "We shall see that." he says in a monotonic voice.

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