Part 3

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A/N The first two chapters are in Won't loose you by CatsAreBad88. Link is in the description.

Characters owned by Marvel

Third Person P.O.V.

"Will it hurt him?" Steve asked, concerned.

"Turning him into it shouldn't," Wanda said, then sighed and admitted, "But his 'friend' may attack us, in which case we may be forced to fight back."

They all glance around, not sure what to do. Suddenly, Tony speaks up.

"Well, if we are going to do this, let's do it somewhere that his 'friend' can't hurt anyone."

They contemplate for a minute, then Bruce suggests the Hulk's containment chambers.

"If the Hulk can't get out, I don't think whatever it is can, either." He reasons.

They agree, having Wade take him to the chamber. He sets Peter down, walking out slowly.

"Ready yet, Wanda?" He calls out.

"Yes." She replied, and began.

All of the people in the room moved back, allowing her room. She stepped forward with an expression of concentration on her face, making hand gestures toward Peter. A red mist flowed from her hands, weaving slowly through the air at Peter. It went through the cracks in the chamber, surrounding Peter.

As it did, his eyes opened to reveal them entirely black. A black substance quickly covered him. The creature that now stood in Peter's place stood up and bared it's long, razor sharp teeth. It looked around, sneering at it's cage.It jumped at the nearest wall, examining it for cracks. It began searching the chamber, settling on the air vent. It began clawing at the metal, tossing away broken chunks.

At this, everyone unfroze. They quickly geared up, getting ready for the inevitable fight. Bruce stepped back, not wanting to have to become the Hulk unless deemed necessary. Suddenly, a loud screeching noise was heard, and the creature began to claw and pull itself through the hole it had created. It soon succeeded, standing in front often group. Bruce stepped forward slightly, the others shifting to cover him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"WE ARE VENOM" It screeched, and pounced.

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