A cute guy?

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(Y/N) = your name


Everything is black, nothing is here. But then you hear someone talking

???: "Huh? Hey you! Wake up!"

You open your eyes slowly. You look around yourselfe but don't recognize the place. Everything is so purplish and black. Then you look at the person infront of you, he looks like a wolf. He starts talking to you again

???: "Hey what are you doing here? " you answer "Ehm... I don't know how I even got here" he sighs but then says something again ???: "Maybe Rascal knows whats going on here..., come follow me". You stand up and follow the wolf into a building. Inside the building where two other people. One of the two looks like a very old woman and asks the wolf looking guy "Hey Ulric what did you brought or better who did you brought with you?". So his name is Ulric. Ulric explains everything to them and while he was talking, you hear someone laughing behind you. You turn around and see someone that looks like a clow.

'He looks kind of cute,...wait what did I just think!?', you thought. Then he says something to you "Oh~ wow your already here~ I have been waiting hehehe" he comes very close to your face " This is hmm...  what about (Y/N), yeah this sounds good! Your name is (Y/N) now. This is Ulric, Brooha, Brute and my name is Rascal". You look at him and then ask "W-what am I doing here?"


Thanks for Reading I hope you like this story so far I will write more soon^^


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