Taco Bell Ideas

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Tyler's POV

 As I looked over Lisa's intinerary I chewed my bottom lip subconsciously. Sure it was busy and fun and all but I couldn't stop looking at the return date.

April 15th: Return flight 801 to L.A. at 8:30 a.m.

I finally decided I would stay a little longer in Perth. Maybe five days? A week? However long Troye was willing to house me, and however long I thought I could make it. I started to taste blood on my lip from chewing it and decided to edit a video to distract me from thinking about him. Of course though, my latest Q & Slay featured a lot of TRXYE, Happy Little Pill and just Troye talk in general. I wondered how I managed to not look so flustered as I talked about him on camera.

As I finished editing and uploading I got a text from Korey to go out to eat. He suggested Taco Bell, and seeing as we hadn't gone on a proper Taco Bell run in at least a week, I was all in. He said he'd be here in five minutes, enough time for me to fix my hair from it's floppy ways back into a much better mint-green quiff.

As I went downstairs and got into his car he greeted me with an excited smile. "I heard they got a new burrito and mama is hungry."

"When aren't you hungry?" I said, laughing.

"Rude." He said, fake-pouting as we drove off.

We took our orders to go and ate in the car as I filled him in on Australia.

"So you're obviously going." He nodded. "But I think I might stay a little bit longer there." I said carefully, watching for his reaction.

His face didn't change so I continued. "I might stay a week more in Perth."

He chewed slowly. "In a hotel or...?"

There it was.

"With Troye, at his house."

Korey swallowed and looked at me with an emotion I couldn't place in his eyes. "Okay..."

"It's not like I haven't stayed there before."

"Right, before you realized you were in love with him." Korey said.

"I'm not in love with him." I said unconvincingly.

"And I'm not a big fan of Taco Bell." He said sarcastically, taking a dramatic bite of his burrito.

I rolled my eyes. "Fuck off."

"I just don't want you mess things up with Troye." Korey said, a bit more seriously.

"I would never jeopardize our friendship." I shot back.

"I know, but being in love with your friend kind of does that on it's own. Just be careful."

"I'm not a kid, I know how to control my feelings." I said defensively. But as I took a sip of my soda I started to doubt myself.

"Of course, but I know you and Troye's relationship is a flirty one, and I don't want you to read into anything he does or says. It probably means nothing to him. I don't want you getting your hopes up and then hurt."

"What Troye does or says isn't going to affect me. If anything I'd be worried of him falling in love with me and my flirty ways." I said with a little shimmy, getting Korey to smile.

"Oh the day Troye falls in love with you is the day your Troyler shippers will explode." Korey said.

I laughed. "Well maybe that's not so far off..." I said half jokingly, but as I thought about it an idea planted itself in my mind.


A short chapter for y'all. Sorry its so short. I'm going to try to work on longer chapters. Also, sorry my updating is weird, i'm trying to stall bc at the moment i have writers block. Also school is coming up so updating may become irregular and such. But regardless, a HUGE THANKS for reading. I love ya bunches! Seriously, I really do. Ok bye!!


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