Surprises and Bad Lyrics

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Troye's POV

 "What is it?" I said, practically shaking with excitement. But no one in my family was giving me any clues. I was blindfolded sitting in our car with my parents in the front seats and Sage, Steele, and Tyde sitting in the back with me but no one was talking. All I heard were occasional giggles and some music playing on the radio.

After ten minutes I felt like exploding. "Oh my God! Someone tell me what we're doing! Is it food? A present? A person?"

I felt my heart flutter as I realized how much I wanted it to be Tyler and that we were going to the airport right now to pick him up. But Sage quickly ruined my hope by telling me it was none of those things and to stop guessing.

"Alright." I said, slapping my hands down in frustration. "But at least someone make conversation. This is torture."

"Well we're almost there." My mother said from up front excitedly.

"So it's a place. Hmm."

"No guesses!" Tyde shouted and I crossed my arms and frowned. "Fine. How much longer?"

"Two minutes."

At this I felt restless so I slowly brought my hand up to the bandana covering my face and tried to peek but Sage quickly slapped my hand.

"No peeking!" She snapped. All I'd managed to see was that we were on a highway. What was two minutes off of a highway?

Then, all the windows rolled down and I was hit with a blast of air.

"Hey!" I said, but my voice was drowned out.

"Okay! Un-blindfold him!" My dad finally said and I tried to undo the knot but Steele managed to get it for me and I was confused and happy and excited all at once as I looked around, but there was nothing but my family's smiling faces.

"What is it?" I finally said, confused.

"LOOK!" They all shouted, pointing ahead of us. I looked out to the rest of the highway and then up, and instantly I gasped and my eyes filled with tears at the sight.

A billboard, a gigantic BILLBOARD with my EP on it. My face, with a swatch of paint over my eyes that read TRXYE in white letters. BUY TRXYE ON ITUNES was on the bottom. I wasn't sure if I should scream or cry but I felt everyone hugging me and telling me they were proud of me and basically I was a puddle on the floor.

It was surreal. This was the first time seeing my EP broadcasted like this. It had only been out for a month now. Thousands of people use this highway every day, and they would look up and see my EP, my face on that billboard as they passed by. Eventually I realized I should take a picture to capture the moment, and I scrambled for my phone and snapped a shot just as we drove past it.

I sat back in my seat, still in shock but my siblings and parents were chatting away, ecstatic.

"Next, cover of a magazine. I'm thinking Times? Rolling Stones?" Tyde said and we all agreed, listing off the various magazines my face could possibly one day be on. My heart was pounding and I couldn't stop myself from tweeting about it, freaking out with my viewers and best friends.

"Good surprise?" My dad asked as we started to make our way back home.

"The best." I said, completely meaning it.


As I scrolled through my twitter mentions and read the replies to my hardly legible tweets earlier I found a tweet I had passed over earlier. It was from Tyler.

@troyesivan so so so crazy to hear that your face is on a BILLBOARD?! WHAT! You're so famous now. Don't forget us regular people :)

I started to type out a reply but nothing seemed right. I settled on a simple I could never, and decided I would just call him instead and tell him about it myself. But then I realized it was probably night over there. But before I could stop myself I found myself texting him.

Troye: crazzzyyyyyy Tilly. This is insane. Is this what Beyoncé feels like???

I sent him a picture of the billboard and waited for his response. Five minutes later he replied.

Tyler: I knew it would happen soon! And I don't know you're basically Beyoncé now you're so famous

Troye: I'll try to not let the fame get to me ;)

Tyler: We don't need you becoming a diva

Troye: Like you?

Tyler: RUDE!

Troye: Diva looks good on you though...

Tyler: I'm NOT a diva

Troye: I guess not but with your sass you could pull it off

Tyler: Well duh

We texted back and forth for another fifteen minutes before Tyler stopped replying and I assumed he'd fallen asleep. The thought of him staying up to text me warmed my heart and again the little glimmer of hope that maybe he felt more for me than he let on started up again. Or maybe he was just up anyway because being  a tumblr person could keep you up at all hours of the night. I liked the former.

I logged onto my Tumblr and started blogging but my mind kept drifting back to Tyler and before I knew it I was writing lyrics, fast and sloppy, not rhyming but going along to some beat in my head. I must've fallen asleep soon after because I woke up to my clock saying 6 a.m. and my laptop open to the lyrics.

As I read them over I laughed because they were horrible and not thought through, but I didn't care. I kept them saved on my computer. Maybe some day they'd actually be useable.


yayyy an update! Okay so Im still having a bit of writers block but I will figure it out soon enough. I guess I'll be updating somewhere around every two or three days. If theres going to be a particularly large stretch I'll let you know. Also THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading. This story has 200+ reads and I'm like really emotional. Like, 200 people have read my work and wow. I seriously love ya bunches. I hope you liked this chapter! Vote comment and all that jazz! Ok byeeee!


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