The next morning Megara awoke to the typical knocking on the door as Merlin started his morning. He opened the door and sat on the bed next to her. I am planning on staying home today. I thought maybe we could work through some magic together. If you were interested in the help.
Yes! Megara sat up quickly. Yes, please!
Merlin laughed lightly. Alright. Well, get up. Meet me in the house.
Megara was up before hed even stood from the bed and running into the house with the textbooks she wished to study. I want to start with animals.
Animals? Merlin laughed heartily. What in the world would you want animals for?
They could help us, Megara insisted. Father, if we could speak to them, or even just learn to understand the way they communicate, maybe we could use their intelligence to accomplish what we need to.
Merlin rubbed his freshly clean shaved jaw and sighed. Well. I suppose youre right, Meggy child. We may as well try.
They spent hours pouring over the books. Megara hadnt expected so much study, after all hadnt she been reading these books for years? Why did they need to read more? When she asked Merlin this he became angry. Meggy, if you dont study the dangers as well as the benefits, how could you know what to do if something goes terribly wrong?
Megara didnt say anything. She knew he was right. Of course he was. Father is always right. He knows so much more than I do.
Enough, Merlin set back away from the books and laced his fingers behind his head. What is the spell?
Mutare ad mus.
Megaras eyebrows wrinkled. But thats the spell! Thats the spell to become a mouse.
Merlin leaned forward and glared at her. Thats not the spell I am looking for! He shouted across the table at her. Megara sat back sharply, her hands in her lap as she listened quietly. Meggy, what is the spell to become human again? The most important spell of this entire plan of yours? How will you become my Megara once you have accomplished your task? What have you learned?
Megara felt her heart drop. She hadnt thought about that. Merlin must be so disappointed in me, she thought. She looked back to the books, completely at a loss. I . . . I dont know.
Merlin pushed a page toward her and jabbed a finger at it. Ad initium redire. Merlin said thickly. You must say this while imagining your original form.
Megara stared at the book, unseeing. She didnt want to voice the thoughts in her mind, but she knew hed be even more disappointed if she neglected to tell him this before she started this journey. Um, father, I . . . I dont know how . . . I dont know how I would be able to imagine my original form . . . I have never . . . I have never seen my own face. I dont know what to imagine if I dont know what I look like. She feared hed be angry with her vanity.
Merlin simply laughed. Oh, my girl, I do suppose that would be a problem in this, wouldnt it? Alright then, Merlin stood and retrieved a small shaving mirror from his room. He handed it to Megara gently. Here, he said quietly. This is what I see when I look at you, Megara looked into the mirror and stared hard. I see a young woman, a beautiful woman, who will learn of her true strength as the time passes, but no sooner.
Pulchra Arcanum
FantasyDuring the time Merlin was training the great King Arthur, Merlin had a secret. One he's hid for centuries. One which is coming to the surface now. This beautiful secret, this Pulchrum Arcanum, has a name. Her name is Megara; Merlin calls her Meggy...