Chapter 6: Job

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Ashley's P.O.V.

When Jax saved me from Kyle I couldn't be more thankful

I was terrified I didn't know what to do I was stuck between him and I could get out and I knew what he was going to do and I didn't want that to happen

Jax even though he bullied me when I was younger he sure had changed during the summer

He was now my friend and I'm glad we became friends and that Blake is back

I want to become stronger and fight my own battles because I feel bad that Jax has to always save me from those types of thing

I need to put my priority on finding a job first so I can find my own place so I don't have to be such a burden to Jax and his family

It was currently lunch time and Jax sat with me and we ate and talked a bit

"I remember the first time I met you, you were really beautiful but my friends made fun of you and got me influenced... sorry for all the things I've done to you Ashley, you never deserved that," he said and I smiled at him

I knew he was sorry and honestly I don't care. I am just happy that we are now friends.

"Jax you don't need to be sorry anymore, I forgave you a while ago when you saved me from my father," I told him and smiled and he smiled back

He has been nothing but kind to me the past few days and I can't help but find myself liking him even though I shouldn't

All the sudden I heard a feminine voice and I knew straight away it was Melody

"Hey baby, what are you doing with this dirt bag? Don't you want to come eat with me and our friends?" Melody asked him being a flirty and all that shit

"Don't call me baby, only Ashley can call me that," he said as he smirked at me and I blushed. "And She is not a dirt bag she is beautiful and worth everything unlike you so stop trying to insult her because all your doing is insulting yourself. And I'd rather eat here at this table with Ashley than sit at your table with a bunch of fake people," he told her and she looked mad and stomped away

"You know if you want to go eat over there you can, I don't mind being alone," I told him I felt bad because he usually sits with them

"Nah, it's more fun sitting here with you than with a bunch of fake and low lives," he told me and I smiled that he actually wanted to spend time with me

We finished up our lunch and we talked and laughed and then we went to our classes and I couldn't wait I'll school was over


It was finally end of school and time to go home. I went to my locker and grabbed my books and put them in my bag.

There is so much homework to do and all I want to do is sleep

Once I close my locker I head outside to see Jax leaning on his bike holding a helmet

I walk over to him and gave him a smile. Once I got close enough to him he held the helmet to me and I take it and put it on

I can't believe that I was the first person that rode his bike let alone touch it. Here I thought that many girls would of been on this bike with him going around town or something when in reality it was just me

"Jax? Am I really the first person you let ride your bike?" I asked curiously

"Yeah, I don't let anyone ride it. This is my baby and I don't want anyone messing with it. Your different and I don't mind letting you ride it because it's an excuse for you to wrap your little arms around my waist," he smirked and once again I blushed

"Well, I feel honoured. Thank you for letting me have the experience of riding your bike with you," I said and he smiled

He helped me on and then he got on. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tight as he sped off

I enjoyed the ride and having the wind hit me, it felt refreshing

We arrived at his place and after he helped me down I told him I was going to the guest room to do my homework

I went on my phone and tried to look for a job and there was a diner just a couple blocks away and I got an interview today which shocked me

I got dressed nicely and I grabbed my phone and some money

I headed down stairs and I tried to sneak out but it was hard and I failed because Blake caught me

"Where you going? Jax is in his room, does he know your going out looking like that?" He asked

I shook my head, "no, but don't tell him I found a job interview at a diner and I know that he wouldn't approve. Can you just keep it between us?" I asked and he sighed but nodded his head

I smiled I rushed out because I didn't want to be late

Once I got there the place looked beautiful, I went in and I saw a girl and asked her for the job and where to go

"I'm here for an interview?" I asked the lady

"Ah, you must me Ashley, when can you start?" She asked

"Anytime really," I told her and her face lit up

"That's great! You can start now! Bring this to table 4," She said handing me a trey of drinks and I nodded

I went to table 4 to see a bunch of guys around my age talking and laughing

I handed out the drinks and gave them a smile

"What's your name?" One of the guys asked

He was muscular brown hair and blue eyes. He was quite handsome, but not as handsome as Jax

Oml did I just think that?

"Ashley, and yours?" I asked

"Xavier, it was nice to meet you. If you see a guy name Jax come in can you please send him to our table, love?" He asked and I was in shock

It couldn't be Jax... my Jax... could it?

"Are you Alright, love?" He asked

"What? Yeah I'm fine, uh sure thing I'll send him your way," I said and gave him a smile

I walked back to the counter when I heard the door open. I looked over to see Jax... oh boy...

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