Chapter 11: Old Friends

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Ashley's P.O.V.

We are still at school and I sit there quietly. Blake, Lena, and Jax were debating on who the better twin was and I couldn't help but think about my own brother and how he is holding up

I wished he didn't leave, we were very close and I loved him very much.

One day I will search for him, but for now I want to get out of high school and I'm so happy it is my last year and I don'y have to worry about it ever again.

"Ashley?" I heard Jax's voice

"Hm?" I replied

"Who do you think is the better twin? Me or Blake?" when he said 'me' he coughed before and after he said it and I laughed

"Obviously I think Blake is the better brother," I said is a 'Duh' voice and we all laughed but Jax

He frowned and mumbled an 'oh'

I gave him a hug and said, "I was messing with you, of course I think you are. You are my boyfriend after all and I did choose you."

He gave me a smile and pecked my lips

I honestly have the greatest boyfriend ever. I felt kinda bad for saying Blake because Jax thought I was being serious. Probably because he thinks I don't trust him or because of his past.

Yes it hurts me to know that he did once bully me, and had many girls before me but it's all in the past and I love him. Not even the past can ruin that.

Sure Blake is nice and was always kind to me but Jax is more... I don't know how to describe it but in the end I was more attracted to Jax

"Ouch Ashley, that hurts," Blake pretended to be hurt and I laughed

"You should already know I was going to pick Jax, He is my boyfriend after all," I said and we all laughed

we heard the bell and lunch was over and we all said our goodbyes and to meet and our house after school

I went to my classes and they were all boring as hell and I was sad because none of my last periods were with Jax

I was currently in my last period class waiting for my teacher arrived and I saw Nate, one of the football players

We've been friends since we were little kids but when he joined the football team we grew apart and stopped hanging out and talking to each other.

He sat down beside me and took out his books

"Hey Ashley," He said smiling

"Hello Nate," I replied and smiled back at him

"I've heard that you and Jax are together. Is that true?" He asked and I smiled

"Yeah, He asked me to be his last night. Must be going around quickly considering you already known and probable the rest of your team," I said

"Yeah, I was shocked when I heard to be honest. I always saw him teasing you that I don't know if you could consider that teasing and more like bullying," He said with a little laugh

"I forgave him, he has done enough to make up for what he has done," I told him and he nodded

"Just watch yourself, okay? I know we haven't talked much since I joined the team and I'm sorry for that. I got busy and wanted to fit in, I didn't want to be on their bad side and not play. Football is a big part of my life, my dad played and I want to make him proud," He said and I smiled at him

I wasn't mad at him or blamed him I understood. His father passed away before he went into his freshman year and so Nate looking up to his father joined the team to make him proud of him.

"I will and, you don't have to apologize I understand. You do make your dad proud, he's watching over you no matter if he isn't here with you physically," I said still smiling

He looked at me and hugged me

"Thank you, your right he is, I want to be your friend again Ash, I want us to be friends like we once were," He said looked a bit sad but happy at the same time

"I'd like that," I replied and he smiled and nodded

Our teacher finally walked in and class begun


After class was over Nate and I walked out together and we went to my locker

"Your still funny and kind, like when we were kids," He said and I laughed

"You laughed at everything, even my lame jokes I made," I said laughing

I saw Jax coming over to my locker and I gave him a smile

Once he was closer he came up to me and hugged me in front of Nate

He let go and turned to see Nate

"What's up Nate," He said giving him a hand shake and a guy hug

"Nothing much, just started being friends again with Ash. Congrats by the way about asking her to be your girlfriend," he said smiling at the both of us

"Thanks man, we have to head out. Blake called and said someone is at our house wanting to talk to Ashley," Jax said and Nate nodded

"Well I'll see you guys tomorrow," Nate said and we headed off

We went to Jax's car and we drove off

"Did Blake say who wanted to talk to me?" I asked

"Nope, he just said it was a guy," He told me and I nodded

Once we arrived I saw another car in the drive way and I recognize the car but not sure where I've seen it

We got out of the car and went to the door and walked in

Once we got in, took of our shoes , we went into the kitchen and I froze when I saw who it was

"Hey Ash,"


Hey guys, I'm sorry that this chapter is short but I'll try to make the next one longer

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