A Big Secret

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Hey guys! :) this is my first story EVER so I'm sorry if I'm a little rusty at it ;) there also might be some mistakes so please just ignore those considering I won't have time to edit every chapter , but I will try my best :) , I DO NOT own any of the Teen Wolf characters only the characters I made and lastly this book is rated R (restricted) for a reason , we will be getting down and dirty at some point and the language might not be the nicest so I just thought I would give everyone a heads up about that if you're not comfortable with this kind of stuff . So without further ado i present to you the first chapter of  " A Moment In Headlights"  enjoy! :)


        As if my sister is dating a werewolf! if mom and dad ever found out about her little thing with Scott McCall dad would hang her in a tree and cut her in half (theoretically speaking of course) but that's Allison for you , a rule breaker . I guess being part of the Argent family has its ups and downs, one of its downs is having to move from city to city. The reason we had to keep moving around was because my family , the Argents are hunters ... Super natural hunters. I myself have never hunted nor killed a super natural before, my dad Chris Argent says i'm too sweet to kill something if I don't have a good reason for it. For now i've just been learning about how to protect myself and different kinds of super natural creatures. moving around a lot isn't the best experience, but i guess when your my kind of family it becomes necessary, so now we are settled in Beacon hills hopefully for awhile.

 Being the new kid at school nobody knows that my name is Holly Argent and i'm 17 years old but everybody knows who my 18 year old sister Allison is but I can't blame them she's so nice and beautiful, who wouldn't want to be her friend.

Me and Allison where sitting on her bed late on a Friday night , talking about boys .Allison was telling me all about Scott and how they meet. I thought it was pretty cute how they met on her first day, she had forgotten her pen (typical forgetful Allison) so Scott gave her one right before the history class was about to start. I guess at that moment he kind of gave away his werewolf abilities because 10 minutes earlier me and Allison where talking about how she forgot a pen before the principal came to chauffeur her to her first class because she had also  forgotten the paper with her homeroom number on it in the car. She continued to tell me about there secret dates so dad and mom wouldn't find out.

"You two are kind of like Romeo and Juliet, a forbidden love" I said through giggles , Allison laughed at what I had said just as her phone began to vibrate signaling that she had gotten a text message. Allison looked up at me blushing "Scott is coming over" she muttered. Just as she said it a tapping sound came from the window , excitement washed across her face as Scott started to open the window seeing that we where inside. My eyes never left the window as I watched Scott slowly climbed through the window on the second floor not making a sound , careful not to wake our parents I guess his werewolf powers came in handy. Once he was through the window he looked up at Allison blushing "hey Allison , oh hi Holly I didn't think you would still be awake" he whispered trying to be quite, I laughed and replied  "well It is Friday " Scott let out a little chuckle 'I guess so" before he could finish I was getting the death stare from Allison telling me it was time to leave them alone and go to bed. "Well I guess i'll leave you two alone then, Good night" I added  jumping off the bed and heading towards the door. "Good night" I heard Scott and Allison mutter from behind me. 

As I shut the door to Allison's room I heard them start to giggle, knowing what was going on I moved a bit faster towards my own bedroom just down the hall not wanting to hear anything that would scar me for life. After I brushed my teeth and hair in the bathroom in my room I slipped on my sweatpants and crawled into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow my phone began vibrate. It was Stiles Stilinski a friend i had made on my first day of school , he was the sheriffs son and Scotts best friends . I lifted my head up  to read the message, It read "Hey ,are you still awake?" I decided not to respond hoping he would get the hint. a few moments later my phone lit up once more signaling another message, I lifted my head up again to read it "I guess not lol good night :) ' i laughed at what he had wrote, being exhausted I laid down on my pillow and dozed off into a deep sleep. 


yay! the first chapter is complete ! :) I hope you guys liked it let me know what you think in the comments :) there will most likely be more tomorrow so stay tuned :)  thank you! xox 

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