The Start Of Everything (PART ONE)

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So.... As there tittle of this chapter says ;) everything starts here , At least something important to Holly ;) so i hope you guys enjoy ! 


It had been quite a boring Sunday considering that mom and dad  weren't home and Allison was on another secret date with Scott. I walked over to my window to open the curtains, being welcomed by the dripping sound of rain against the window. It was as if I was making it a habit to groan once I woke up or looked outside, I rolled my eyes at the thought. Beacon Hills was a pretty gloomy town and there was never very much going on, Unless Lydia Martin was holding a party that was big news. Lydia is Allison's best friend, she started texting me yesterday because she knew I was Allison's sister. I didn't get any messages from anyone today tho, not even Stiles which I thought was  shocking but I didn't mind the house being soundless for once.

 I had finished unpacking the boxes yesterday so there wasn't very much to do around the house. I remember when i lived in New York I used to read all the time and hang out in the library. I knew they had a library in Beacon Hills but I didn't know where it was. I got off my bed and waked to the other side of my room to get my phone off my dresser. I picked it up to find where the library was on the maps app. A couple minutes later i learned that it was about a fith teen minute walk from my house, it was a lot closer then the one in NY so I was pretty happy about that. Just as I went to go find something to put on I remembered that it was raining out. I turned my head to look out the window to see that it was raining even harder then it was before. Letting out a hugh of air at the thought of walking in the rain because Allison had taken to car. Mom and dad bought Allison and I a Honda last year  to share for going to school and what not.

I walked down stairs to go find an umbrella in the coat closet, It was stuffed in the very back behind some boxes. I hung it on the railing of the stairs so I could go eat and get dressed. When I got to my room i picked out a dark blue pair of skinny jeans and a coral color zip up sweater. I have naturally curly hair so I ran a brush through it and started to make my way downstairs. I wasn't in the mood for cereal and I didn't want to make a big breakfast so i walked over to the fridge and started eating some strawberries out of the container. Once I was somewhat full I slipped on my horse riding boots ( hand-me-downs from Allison) and made my way towards the front door. I grabbed the umbrella off the railing and  my house keys of the hook/mirror by the front door. I noticed that i hadn't put much makeup on , a little bit of face powder and mascara. it didn't look to bad i thought to myself "its not like i'm going to meet anyone special today" I said to the mirror  in a matter of fact tone. 

I opened the front door to see sheets of rain pounding the driveway, " here we go" i mumbled dreading walking for so long in the weather. "its just water, I don't think i'm going to melt" I giggled under my breath.

I could see the library in the distance, it looked like a mini castle like it had been standing for thousands of years untouched. When I got to the front steps of the building there where six large stairs up to the front door. The door was very tall and old looking, matching the structure it self. I walked into the building after a few moments of staring wondering if it was going to come crashing down on me, it had a warm look on the inside. The carpet was a very dark purple matching the walls that where a old wood looking brown. There was a big oak desk when you first walked in where an older women sat working on a computer. " hello miss how may i help you?" she said to me in a hush tone, " hello i was wondering if i could sign up for a library card?" i responded trying to sound as nice as possible. " of course you can " she said as she slipped her hand under the desk to grab a clip board with one page on it " just fill out this paper work for me " she said with a smile . " ok thank you a said taking the clip board out of her hands with a smile and heading towards a chair that was just a few feet from where i was standing.

Once i finished filling out the page that was on the clip board i took it back to the women who was still sitting where she had been before. " all done" I said in a happy voice as i put the clip board on the desk and pushed it closer to her. she looked down at the paper and smiled "perfect! if you want to go browse some books while I put your information in the computer you can, just down that hall way" she pointed to the left down a narrow hall after she was done specking. "for sure, thank you " I said as i started to make my way down the hall. It wasn't a very long hall maybe ten feet , when i got to the end it opened up to behold rows a pon rows of books on tall shelves. I smiled a bit seeing this , it made me feel like i was back home ... in New York.


sorry guys this one was getting really long and i like to keep chapters under 1000 words so you guys don't get bored reading them :/ so i've chosen to put this one in parts... don't worry the second part will be up tomorrow or Tuesday i promise, i'm also sorry that this one took so long I won't be this slow with a chapter again .... thank you for reading oxox

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