The Start Of Everything (PART TWO)

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ok im sorry this took so long ... But great things come to those who wait :) I don't really know what to Say because I feel bad, so I guess the only thing you can do is read and hope that my words make up for my time gone :) enjoy


About an hour had pasted of me being in the Beacon Hills library and I had found a pretty interseting book , It was called "The Maze Runner" By James Dashner. I held the book in one hand , umbrella under my arm as I made my way back to the big oak desk. The librarian had my card sitting on the desk in front of her
" just sign the back please, dear then your all done" she said with a smile. I smiled back and signed my name, just another new beginning I thought to myself.

As I walked back threw the front door the rain hadn't slowed down what so ever. I gently put the book in my brown leather side purse, careful not to fold the paper back over or pages as I started to make my way back home.

About half way back I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket , it was stiles asking what I was doing on such a wet Sunday. I started typing my response telling him that I was just leaving the library and on my way back home. I got half way threw the word 'library' before I realized I had walked into the middle of the road with two blaming headlights coming right at me. The only thing I could think of was a joke Allison had told me on my first day at a new school , don't text and walk. It was like I was paralyzed in that spot. About two feet ahead of me the black Camaro came to a tire squalling stop. Then suddenly I could breath , not even realizing I had been holding my breathe the whole time. I looked down and saw that my umbrella (I'm guessing I dropped it during my 'deer in headlights' moment ) was crushed under the to close for comfort Camaro. I looked up at the driver who was getting out of the car , expecting to hear them start yelling at the top of there lungs at me. That didn't happen though , in less then a second the driver was standing in front of me he was tall , maybe 6 feet , jet black hair spiked in the front , short stubble across his face and neck, bright green eyes a perfect smile and a perfect body. Suddenly it was like the rain didn't matter anymore.
"Are you okay ? " he asked me sounding concerned
"Yeah I'm fine , it was my fault I shouldn't have been texting and walking "
I blushed and let out a small chuckle as I rubbed my forehead.
"My names Derek hale " he said with a half smile , looking down at my umbrella under his tire.
"And I owe you a new umbrella " he said with a low sexy laugh
"I'm Holly, oh it's fine it was a really old umbrella anyway " I said as I blushed with a smile.
"Your new here ain't you?" Derek said as he stood with his arms across his chest , standing tall. Looking at him I couldn't catch my breathe ...again.
"I uh... Yeah I just moved here from New York" I studded and mentally scolded myself for it. I just met this guy and I feel like I'm falling head over heals , SNAP OUT OF IT DUMB ASS you don't even know one thing about him.

"Well I would be happy to show you around , maybe grab a coffee sometime ? " Derek said smiling at me , eyes locked on mine.
"Yeah sure that would be great " I said maybe with too much enthusiasm.
"Good , when are you free again?" Derek asked.
"Whenever ,aha" i said cringing inside at my answer , I sound way to easy.
"On that note , what about now ? " he said with a smile.
I looked down at my watch, 11:34 and thought for a moment. I very attractive guy just asked me to go for coffee , I'm definitely not going to say no.
"Yeah, sure " I said
"Great" Derek added with a smile as he walked to the passenger side of the black Camaro and opened my door , I got inside. Suddenly my brain was buzzing with questions and problems, I just got into a strangers car , what if he tires to kill me ? This was such a mistake , mom and dad well be so mad if the found out. I looked up to see Derek pulling my mangled umbrella from under the car and walk it over to a garbage can on the side of the road, as it stuffed it into the trash he let out a kind of laugh then smiled towards me in the car. I got this weird feeling in my stomach when his eyes were on me , once again I was questioning how smart I really was and if I would need my self-defence lessons today.

He jogged back towards the car and hoped in.
"I'm not a killer and I'm not gonna kidnap you and or kill you " Derek said as he looked at me straight face , right in the eyes.
I smiled and looked down
"Okay , good I was hoping you wouldn't "
I said threw a smile and a giggle
He let out a small laugh , put on his seatbelt and put the car in gear. I'm inside was all leather, just like the jacket he was wearing. I looked over at him so he wouldn't notice , he was wearing a dark green henley shirt under his jacket , the shirt hugged his body , tight on his broad shoulders and loosening this closer I got to his waist band. He had on a pair of dark blue jeans and dark footwear.

He drove for about five minutes making just small talk , about the weather mostly , considering there were not many sunny days in Beacon Hills.

We pulled up to this small cafe at the end of the Main Street of the town. Derek pulled off his seat belt and took the key out of the ignition, he sat there for a moment looking at the rain pouring down , then looked over at me.
"Ready?" He said with a smile.
"Ready " I said with a laugh.

Derek and I both jumped out of the car at the same time and started running towards the doors of the cafe, Derek got there seconds before me and held the door
"Thank you" I said looking up at him.
"My pleasure" he said as he walked in after me

The Cafe was almost the same as the library dark coloured flooring and dark coloured tables. We walked over to a table that was looking out the window. I ordered a French vanilla while he ordered a coffee with one cream one sugar. When are order came we continued talking , about whatever came up.

After about 3 hours of talking I told Derek I should get home. He paid the bill for our drinks and and made our way to the door. It wasn't raining anymore , but it was still a bit gloomy.

When he dropped me off at my house we exchanged numbers , he told me he would text me tomorrow. We said our good byes and I got out of his car, he didn't pull out of the driveway till I was inside the door (which I thought was kind of sweet , along with all the other chivalrous acts he had done.) I took off my boots and made my way towards my room , peeking in Alison's on my way past, she wasn't home yet.

I opened my door and dropped my bag on the floor, Walking over to my bed and flopped down. The only thing in my head was Derek and everything he had told me. He has lived in beacon hills all his life, graduated from the high school I was now going to last year, how all his family had died in a fire when he was young. Thinking about him gave me weird butterflies in my stomach , the only thing I could to about it was lay on my bed and smile at the ceiling like an idiot. After lying there for so long I started to get tired and fell asleep still thinking about the man who almost hit me with his black Camaro.

That was a lot XD I hope you guys enjoyed ! I don't know when I'll be able to put in more chapters but I hoping it will be very soon , now I remember how much fun it is to write these chapter :) so no more disappearing :) thank you guys XOX
Ps this is NOT edited so I'm sorry for any mistakes :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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