I Want To Do Better

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2 years later.....


Taraji's leg bounced with nervous energy. Looking around all the bright lights furthering her nerves. This was a surreal moment for her. The blood, sweat and tears. The struggles, the battles, the highs, the lows. She was finally here, amongst her classmates at graduation. She was proud to say that she had snapped her craft, honed in on her skill, and was proud of herself.

"Taraji Penda Henson!" Came out the announcers mouth. She stood and laughed hearing the loud ghetto screams of her family. As she started walking to the stage, she caught sight of a little body rushing her. Shaking her head she picked up her now 4 year old son.

"What are you doing mister?" She teased walking up the stairs of the stage.

He clapped in her arms and grinned at her. She strutted across the stage with her son on her hip, feeling that much more confident that she made it. Continuing with the graduation ceremony, afterwords she found herself surrounded by those she loved. Her mother and father, her aunts and uncles, and all her cousins. Apryl, Shawn, Alice, Junior, Chris, the gang was all here....except Terry.

When she realized he wasn't here that hurt, but in this two years she basically mothered and fathered Marcel. It felt like Terrence made no effort to come see his first born. Going to visit him at daycare and checking him out unannounced sometimes, but that was it. She could count on one hand how many times he's seen his son.

She took that hurt and pain that she felt for Marcel, and turned it into something beautiful. She was a single mother...and doing the damn thing. She made sure Marcel didn't want for anything, and made sure he had everything he needed. With no help, and school and a full time job. She was damn proud of the grown woman she became.

Putting all the childish problems away, and growing up was the best desicion she made. She was a woman on the move and if you couldn't move with her, then you got left behind.

"Okay, I'll come by. Let me go home and change." Taraji caved with a smile. Alice wanted to throw a Graduation dinner, since Taraji refused to throw a party.

"Good, let us get home and start cooking. I'm so proud of you Monster, so proud baby." Alice spoke pulling her into a tight hug, shedding a few tears. Taraji smiled absorbing the praise, she deserved it and worked hard for it. Saying her goodbyes to her family, she walked to her car with Marcel.

"Mommy." Marcel called, Taraji hummed opening the car door for him.

"Are we going to Grandma Alice house?" He asked, she got him strapped in his booster seat and nodded.

"Yay! She had the best food." He cheered, Taraji gasped catching her son's eyes in the mirror. She fake pouted making his eyes widen.

"No mommy, that's not what I mean. You cook good too. You cook the best!" He rushed out, she giggled at her son's cuteness.

Making a quick stop at the house they were off. Marcel drunk juice from his sippie cup, Taraji figured it was time to get him transitioned to real cups. She just hoped he wouldn't put up a fight like he did with his bottles. She watched her son start dozing off looking out the window. Pulling into a gas station she filled up then covered him with a blanket.

She pulled up at Alice's house an hour later. Marcel was wide awake and ready to go play with Junior, who in turn was actually his favorite uncle. He grabbed his Anamaniac's backpack and waited for his mom to grab her purse. Running up to the door he looked his mother dead in the eyes.

"I have to go wee wee." He muttered, Taraji shook her head.

"Okay, when we get inside go. Remember you don't have to tell me anymore, you're my big boy. You can go potty without me." Taraji after knocking. Marcel grinned nodding his head. She knew it went in one ear and out the other. Bernice opened the door watching her grandson run past her.

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