The first time

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* guys the chap probably has mistakes, i'm too tired to check atm lmao sorry*

The first two weeks of being together was horrible for both of them. Neither knew how to act in public, Bakugou of course didn't want people to know, but eventually people have been questioning their sudden disappearance. Ashido was the first one to find out. She stormed into Kirishima's room, while they were trying to make out.

„KiRiShImA, i NeEd SoMe- MiLk!!!" She screamed throwing the door open and catching a look at Bakugou and Kirishima sitting on the bed awkwardly close, holding their cheeks and trying to make out, but Kirishima looked way too stiff, while Bakugou seemed to not be enjoying it at all.

„Mina!??" Kirishima answered and directly let go of Bakugou, crawling away from him, as if it would change what she saw.

„I knew it!!! I just needed proof! Why didn't you guys say anything?" She then leaned against the threshold and smirked alluring.

„Because stupid aliens like you never shut the hell up and make things so much worse than they already are."

„Yo okay that's mean, you didn't have to put it that way." Her smile vanished, her posture got weak and offended.

„Mina- I'm sorry, but... We didn't want any attention on us. This whole relationship is so weird and new to us, we kind of didn't know how to deal with it." Kirishima tried to explain.
„Still don't." Bakugou answered monotone and crossed his arms on the bed.

„Oh. Well, then I'll just leave you guys." She seemed understanding, while she moved away from the threshold and was on her way of closing the door.

„And please- don't tell anyone."

Everyone knew two days later. Bakugou was extremely mad about it and even started to throw tantrums while being with Kirishima. They argued about the whole situation and tried to find a solution to make everything better, but both didn't quite know what to do.

„We're both stressed Bakugou. We- need to somehow calm down and chill." Kirishima mumbles after Bakugou almost destroyed his Crimson Riot action figure he got for too much money. Breathing heavily and stomping through the room, Bakugou now throws his face to his boyfriend, who looks back at him worried.

„You're right. We feel too much pressure. I didn't think all of this would end up like that. Everyone's expecting something from us and I just don't get what!? It's fucking annoying and alien face already paid her price for spitting." Bakugou grumbles back, crossing his arms and playing with his muscles. Kirishima blinks a couple times.

„Punching her teeth out isn't the way I thought you would handle it, though I did expect you to hurt her physically..."

„So what are we gonna do now!? Our relationship is like that from fucking elementary kids. It's stupid and childish." Bakugou knits his brows and starts frowning heavily, looking as if he's blaming Kirishima for the current situation.

„Look. I know we don't quite know how to act as a couple. It'll come to us somehow. And the making out will change, too. I'll try to be a better kisser, I swear-"

„Kirishima." Bakugou suddenly interrupts him and slowly begins to walk closer to the bed, then stretches out his muscular arm to reach for Kirishima's cheek, laying his palm softly on it and leading his jaw to face Bakugou's eyes. „You're not bad, okay? You're just nervous the whole fucking time and it's- yea it's annoying, but you can change that easily. You know I wouldn't do anything and since the secret is out, there's nothing to worry about anymore."

He narrows his eyes softly and tilts his head to the side, looking into the stinging red eyes of his beloved one. Kirishima gives a slight smile from him and buries his face into Bakugou's palm, smelling and kissing it.

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