Toys for boys

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„You two have been acting weird lately." Kirishima sits at the lunch table with Sero, Kaminari, Ashido and Jirou. He's chewing on a squishy dumpling, not even looking his friends in the eyes while suddenly starting a completely different subject. Both Sero and Kaminari drop their food and turn red immediately, staring at each other.

„What do you mean weird?" Sero then starts mumbling shakily, while Kaminari throws him a confused look. The tape boy is the only one who hasn't been spotted doing anything dirty. If Kaminari knew that he has been spied on while spying himself, he couldn't look any of his friends in the eyes anymore.

„I mean- since like a week you two haven't been really talking to me and I won't even start with Bakugou." Kirishima chews comfortably while calmly looking at his plate.

„I ugh.. we.." Sero keeps stuttering, trying to not look anyone in the face. But Kaminari doesn't seem as nervous as him.

„You have been spending a lot of time with Bakugou. Not that it's bad, but we'd appreciate you being more open to us and back with the gang!" The joyful way Kaminari speaks out surprises Sero completely. If he would have been in Kaminari's position, he wouldn't at all know what to say and how to react. It seems as if the blonde had been practicing his excuses well.

„Gang? Are you serious?" Jirou's deep annoyed voice sounds through the table, her disgusted face follows. „You're into weird shit Kaminari."

„I AM!?" Kaminari shouts as a response directly, jumping up from his seat. He notices how easily it could be directed to what Kirishima is obviously into, so he decides to quickly sit down and be quiet. Though it seems questionable to him why Kirishima doesn't even flinch, doesn't even worry a tiny bit that some of his friends could know what he and his boyfriend are up to almost every single night.

„So... how about we just hang out more again?" Sero interrupts, noticing the worried look on Kaminari's face.

„Sounds like a plan for me! But I'm going to bed pretty early so I can be fit the next day! How about we chill until- like 7 pm?" Kirishima happily throws his arm up and forms a thumbs up, smiling widely with his sharp teeth. The whole table is quiet. All staring at the redhead, who has never in his life said he wanted to go to bed that early.

„Why do you have bruises on your biceps?" Ashido suddenly asks biting into her salad. Both Sero and Kaminari throw their eyes open, Jirou giggles.

„What!? N- I don't-" Kirishima quickly drops his sleeve and covers the questionable bruises on these weird places. „I have been working out and- a dumbbell fell on my arm."

„On your neck too?" Jirou asks still giggling. The redhead's cheeks begin to turn the same color as his hair and he begins to feel more uncomfortable.

„What's going on here?" A sudden different voice, deeper and manlier, sounds from behind the redhead. He turns around quickly just to find Bakugou with a plate in his hands, looking down at them seriously.

„Hi Bakugou! Wanna sit down?!" Kirishima asks and moves to the side a little, making space on the table. Bakugou sits down without another word and just gasps annoyed. The rest of the group is quiet, though the girls exchange showy looks.

„Hey Bakugou, I like your shirt." Ashido begins talking kind of alluringly, smiling as if she is going to bust him with something. Kirishima's look begins to cover with fear. „Also the suiting bites on your neck." She adds and both her and Jirou begin giggling.

Bakugou, who would always start screaming, begins to change his skin color into pure red. His eyes widen and the grip around his plate becomes way stronger. The situation couldn't get more uncomfortable.

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